How to carry tight shoes

How to carry tight shoes
 Trying on shoes with the purchase, the happy owner of a new pair often does not feel discomfort. However, when he got home and tried to look like new shoes, he notices that they are tight and constrain gait. To rectify the situation to help special tools and simple device.
 In most cases, to carry shoes, enough to put it on thick socks and wear around the house one to two hours a day. A week later, you will notice that it has become more spacious and comfortable foot in it.

If the shoe is made of natural materials such as leather or suede, moisten the inside surface of the liquid and the alcohol, wearing thick socks, obuytes it. Walk around the house so a couple of hours. Instead of alcohol, you can use 3% solution of vinegar.

After long-term storage leather shoes often becomes stiff and shriveled. Mitigate its possible application of the usual children's cream. Cover shoes with a thick layer of cream and gently having leveled after 15 minutes, leave for the night.

Not to rub blisters on your feet, cover some places plaster and backs new boots or shoes rub candle or wet soap.

Carry tight shoes can put on it immediately after vplesnete inside a little boiling water. Moisturized skin will stretch, taking the right size. A similar effect is achieved if the shoe tight stuff wet paper. However, it is not necessary to accelerate the drying process by placing shoes or boots on a hot battery, so as they may deform or ssohnutsya, instead of being stretched.

To date, There are also special means of mechanical stretching of shoes. Using this tool, you can save personal time is spent would raznashivanie tight shoes. Also, you can help with the stretching of shoes in a workshop equipped with special equipment for this purpose.

Almost every store you will find stretching shoe as a spray. It must be applied to the inner side of the shoe where it shakes you, and immediately put it on. Walking shoes treated such means, it is necessary for several minutes.

Tags: new shoes, shoes, shoe