High heel shoes - the most exciting thing in the world

 You can wonder preferences Madonna, but she clearly states: "Shoes are better than sex - they delight longer," and many men and women do not see any reason to separate one from the other. According to the results of a large-scale study in the history of sexual preferences, by a wide margin among the most exciting thing in the lead feet and shoes.  

Researchers from the University of Bologna found that sexual preferences among different parts of the body leading the feet and fingers - they were called 47%. Scientists also found that of the objects associated with the body, 64% of respondents prefer boots, shoes, boots and other footwear.

"Feet and objects associated with them - the most popular objects of passion" - the researchers say.

In addition, a study based on a survey among men and women, revealed some startling objects passion. For example, 150 people love hearing aids, and two had heart starts to beat faster at the thought of the pacemaker.

Almost 12% of respondents ons linen, 9% - outerwear, body fluids and body size. 7% excite hair, 5% - the muscles, 4% - the genitals and various decorations on the body, such as tattoos.

3% excite navels, ethnicity object of attraction and chest, 2% - the legs, buttocks, mouth, lips and teeth.

Less votes scored stethoscopes, wristwatches, bracelets, diapers and catheters. Body hair, nails, noses, ears, neck, and body odor scored less than 1%.

The researchers, whose work will be published in The International Journal of Impotence Research, said that about fetishes, little is known. Much of the available information from a study of clinical cases: among psychiatric patients, people who have committed sexual offenses or undergoing treatment. According to them, the purpose of the study - to explore the sexual preferences of a larger proportion of the population.

"In everyday life fetish is something that stimulates sexual desire and does not fall under the definition of the diagnosis of" fetishism "in psychiatry. In many cases, fetish just helps to increase sexual interest or satisfaction: it is not mandatory, "- say researchers.

The researchers examined the activity dedicated to fetishes discussion groups on the Internet, which account for up to 150 thousand. Participants. However, the number of direct participants in the survey did not exceed 5 thousand.

How and why do people get sexual quirks, is unknown. According to the authors, there are many theories, but none of them is convincing enough.

This may affect, or may not influence events in early childhood. Scientists note that Freud valued interest in the legs, on the basis of "the opinion that the feet - this is a phallic symbol."

Other researchers believe that for the feet and genitals respond the same area of ​​the brain, and therefore they may be somehow related.

Whatever the reason, there is little doubt sexuality beautiful shoes with heels sharpened. Designer Christian Louboutin put it in simple words: "Good shoes are not the one that suits you, and the one that you undress. Therefore, if a naked woman wears shoes, she should still look naked. "

Tags: heel shoe