Vitamins and minerals in our diet

Vitamins and minerals in our diet
 Vitamins and minerals are essential components in the human metabolism. Each element performs its function, and the shortage of some of them in the body fails because of non-fulfillment of the role of one participant metabolic his destiny can not perform other. That is why many diseases are associated with a lack of these essential substances. In order to be healthy, neobodimo enrich your body with vitamins and minerals that should be present in the diet of each individual.
 Of the many vitamins allocate 13 elements, without which no normal human life. To the vital substances include:
- B1 (thiamine)
- B2 (riboflavin)
- B6 (pyridoxine)
- B12 (cyanocobalamin)
- PP (niacin)
- C (ascorbic acid)
- A (retinol),
- D (calciferol)
- E (tocopherol)
- K (phylloquinone)
- Sun (folic acid),
- Pantothenic acid,
- H (biotin).
Minerals required to sustain metabolism are iron, copper, calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc, etc..

Despite the abundance of vitamin and mineral supplements that are sold in pharmacies, it is best needed for metabolism elements are absorbed from food. Therefore, it is important to eat those foods that are sources of important vitamins and minerals.

Bran, legumes, milk, flour, meal, brown rice, milk, liver, kidney, eggs, nuts, brown bread contain high amounts of vitamins B1, B2 and B6. Niacin can enrich the body by eating broccoli, beef liver, carrots, cheese, corn flour products, dates, fish, peanuts, eggs, milk, potatoes, pork, parsley, rose hips, tomato and sorrel. Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products: beef, pork, kidney, liver, milk and cheese. Since childhood friend of ascorbic acid is in the hips, grapefruit, lemon, various berries, green vegetables, parsley, tomatoes, potatoes, cauliflower. Retinol source are fruits yellow carrots, liver, cod liver oil, sardine, green and yellow vegetables, milk and dairy products. Under the influence of sunlight in the skin is able to vyrabotyvatsya vitamin D. But it turns out the body, not only with the sun: this is found in fish, fish oils and dairy products. Eating eggs, vegetable oil, leafy greens and soybeans restocking tocopherol. Folic acid is found in strawberries, leafy vegetables, yeast, liver. If you like spinach, different kinds of cabbage, a dish of nettle, exotic fruits, meat and dairy products, with fasting, with them getting the necessary supply of vitamin K. Fish eggs, yeast, liver, carrots, cabbage, eggs are rich in pantothenic acid. Biotin is ingested with cauliflower, eggs, kidneys, milk.

The body gets a mineral like iron from the liver, kidney, nuts, beans, flour; Calcium - milk and dairy products, walnuts; zinc - meat, mustard, brewers yeast, sodium - salt, carrots, beets, kidney; Iodine - seaweed, seafood, onions; Copper - peas, prunes, seafood, potassium - from dried apricots, potatoes, citrus fruits.

To maintain the necessary vitamin and mineral balance does not necessarily constitute a special menu and count the number of products in order to provide the body with the recommended daily doses of these important substances. Enough to make your diet varied and includes not only animals, but also vegetarian food.

Additional sources:

  • magazine "Children's Health" (electronic version)
 Author: Maria Polyakova

Tags: nut products, diet, vitamin, mineral