To save your nerves and get away from the endless bustle around, close the windows, turn on some relaxing music. Understand more comfort and convenience you will bring to the salon - the easier it will smooth stress. After a very painful feeling of self induced transition from active work in the complete absence of any cases.
In any case, activate the central locking the doors. This will ensure that you not only moral but also physical sense of security.
Sit back and think about what your excitement will not solve the problem. Convince yourself that you are sure to solve all your questions as soon as possible. But as long as it does not, give yourself a well-deserved rest. Think of the plug is not as inevitable despair, but as a gift, from the perspective destiny for your own comfort. Use this gift as efficiently as possible - rest. Think of something incredibly pleasant or just imagine that you are now not in the cabin of the car, and close to nature, outline an idyllic picture of spiritual harmony and peace.
In order not to suffer from complete inactivity, keep always at hand any material that is to be studied, or the latest press. So you not only distracted from unpleasant thoughts, standing idle in traffic, but also make it usefully.
In the same case, if there is nothing that could help you pass the time wisely, get at least a useful planning important things or analyze the success of the works done. What could be nicer than the realization that you coped brilliantly with the intended goals early! You obviously feel much more confident and stand in a traffic jam will seem a mere trifle compared with the great deeds for which you are capable of!