The use of sodium to the human body is great. It affects the tissues and organs as a separate element, or in combination with other substances. For example, chlorine combines with sodium prevents fluid leakage from blood vessels. Furthermore, sodium promotes transport of substances to the cells responsible for the condition signals nerve and muscle contractions and dilates the blood vessels.
Sodium is not produced by the body itself, and therefore it comes from external sources. Sodium then quickly washed away with, so for his admission need to follow those who lead an active lifestyle, especially athletes. A well-known source of sodium - salt. In one teaspoon of salt contains about 2 grams of the element. In addition, the sodium contained in sea salt, soy sauce, pickles, broth, salt meat. With regard to sea salt, preference should be given to the purified since it does not retain water in the body.
Sodium is also present in hard cheese, eggs, beef, milk. In small quantities it is contained in seaweed, shellfish, beets, carrots, celery, and mineral water.
Maintaining the level of sodium in the body is dependent on renal function. If they work smoothly, in principle, lack or excess of sodium should not be. The need for sodium can occur when excessive perspiration, for example, heat, at a significant loss of fluid (with vomiting or diarrhea).
Excess sodium occurs in people whose kidneys work disrupted. Furthermore, it can accumulate in patients suffering from hypertension, diabetes, neuroses. In this case, people sometimes there is increased excitability and activity, as well as the feeling of thirst, frequent urination, heavy sweating.
To avoid excess sodium in the body, it must be remembered that the daily demand for it is 1 gram for an adult. For athletes who experience significant physical activity, the amount of sodium consumed can be increased up to 2-3 grams. Babies need 0 to 3 grams per day member.
Excess sodium in the body brings him considerable harm. Because salt increases the load on the heart, kidneys, liver. Therefore, people suffering from diseases of these organs should limit the use of sodium. Sodium chloride, which then is formed in excess of the needs of the organism in the output, as it vents from cells other important substances.