The chemical composition of oats
For therapeutic purposes, are used as grain oats and green grass. Grain oats are rich in starch, protein, fats, amino acids and minerals. Oats is especially appreciated by doctors for the high content of phospholipids, organic acids, sterols, steroid saponins, vitamins E, B, A, and gum, and magnesium. Green grass is particularly rich in vitamin B3.
Oats are used in modern medicine in the form of grains, bran, oatmeal, green grass, the essence of green grass, straw.
The healing properties of oats
Oats helps get rid of a wide range of diseases and ailments. Cardiologists its value because it reduces the level of lipids and cholesterol. Magnesium contained in oats, prevents thrombosis in vessels and helps to cure thrombophlebitis. Improves the condition of patients suffering from hypertension, heart failure, coronary heart disease. Cardiovascular system comes in order, strengthens the heart muscle.
Like oats and dermatologists and cosmetologists. Vitamin B3 contained in oats, struggling with eczema skin, dermatitis and diathesis. Especially it is actively used for treatment of children, since no side effects. In cosmetology successfully apply a mask of oatmeal to cleanse, soften and rejuvenate the skin. On the basis of oats produced essential oils for skin care creams, tinctures.
Oats are very effective for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Slimy decoction prepared from oatmeal, used in gastritis, enterocolitis, duodenal ulcer and stomach, lack of intestinal peristalsis. He is a mandatory part of diet food. Oats appreciate as an aid in recovery after severe diseases, including inflammatory conditions.
Oats helps to achieve improvements in the treatment of neurological diseases. Phospholipids form cell membranes of nerve cells, regulate metabolic processes in the nervous tissue, relieve inflammation of nerve endings. That is why oats are recommended for exhaustion, nervousness, insomnia, asthenic conditions. In a period of depression is recommended to enrich food porridge, cereals and other products based on oats.
Oats and has a restorative effect on the body, boosts immunity, purifies and rejuvenates the body, slows the aging process. It is very useful to residents of megacities and industrial cities, as it helps to cope with the negative effects of the environment.