Under the heading Lose Weight Together: Fruit diet
In unity is our strength
Bite- The interaction of the upper and lower rows of teeth in the fully close position. It is determined by the joint operation of all components of the masticatory system: teeth, the temporo-mandibular joints and muscles. Different positions of the jaws when chewing food processing called occlusions; properlybite determined at centric occlusion, i.e., the starting position in which the mouth is closed and the teeth are closed.
Under normalbite There are no spaces between the teeth, and each tooth merges with the two "neighbors", i.e. each tooth of the upper jaw and the same is contacted with pozadistoyaschim mandibular tooth, and each tooth of the mandible, respectively, and in contact with the same tooth vperedistoyaschego maxilla. The upper jaw is shaped like a semi-ellipse, and the lower - parabola.
Malocclusion may includeLevel bite (If it does not cover the upper teeth lower and merge them with the cutting part)progenichesky bite (When the lower jaw is pushed forward)orthognathic bite (Upper jaw closes lower but uneven) andbiprognatichesky bite (Upper and lower blades are inclined in the direction of the lips and the cutting portions are closed).
WrongOr pathologicalbite is an innate characteristic, or is caused by trauma and diseases of the oral cavity. Any violation of interdigitation disrupts the dental system and, ultimately, affects the whole body. If a biteproblems, then problems with appearance, speech, self-confidence, social well-being, but that's not all: misaligned teeth do not cope well with their main job - primary processing of food before it enters the gastrointestinal tract. Part teeth for violationsBite Regular testing forced overloading and therefore wears out prematurely. You can endlessly change the seals and train smile with your mouth closed, but you can consult a qualified orthodontist in order to eliminate the root cause of all problems.
Trap for a beautiful smile
Alarming fact - the number of patients withmalocclusion increases from year to year. This stems from the change in the human environment: we are accustomed to overly processed food before you send it in her mouth. Minced meat, pyurirovannye vegetables, sliced fruit - all this does not give the masticatory apparatus of the load for which it was designed. Jaw modern man is much less than that of his ancestors, but the sheer size of the teeth has not changed - and it becomes closely in the mouth. Or genetic program, realizing that too many teeth, "cancels" the growth of one or more of them - and the whole jaw "creeps" to the side. The use of pacifiers and artificial infant feeding also benefits neither jaws nor the first teeth.
Early diagnosispathologies bite solves the problem pretty quickly and a little blood: the child's teeth are set on a removable plate, gently correcting violations within a short period of time.
Whenever you suspect or have his child atmalocclusionIt is important as soon as possible to see a specialist: in advanced cases may require surgery and removal of healthy, but incorrectly growing teeth. But it is not necessary to prepare in advance for the worst. It has modern orthodontics - a number of tools designed to put teeth into place: among them, other than those mentioned removable plates (prescribers and adults), kappa (another name - aligners are used to correct minor deficiencies Bite), And, of course, a variety of braces.
Today, the most popular wayocclusion Braces are. In the classic form of this original locks stuck to the tooth enamel using bond - superprochnogo dental adhesive. Locks are connected does not change the shape of an arc of special alloys, which creates specific tension and pressure, under whose influence occlusion takes the correct form.
Classic braces can be metal or aesthetic. While it's all about clear, the purpose of the second - to be as inconspicuous as possible. Therefore, these systems are made of a material visually resembling tooth enamel, artificially grown from a single transparent sapphire or of lightweight and durable plastic composite.
Self-ligating brackets - a kind of technological breakthrough in orthodontics. These systems use the natural power of the cranial and facial muscles for self-regulation and pull-ups. The result - a smaller number of visits to the dentist and a shorter periodocclusion.
Invisible (lingual) braces are attached to the inner surface of the tooth and completely invisible to others.
Wearing comfort and aesthetic consistency braces - a question not idle, but each of the structures has its advantages and indications, therefore, only an orthodontist can determine what specifically have to wear braces and for how long.
Retainers, retention devices - wire structure, which occupies a place braces on the day of removal, and fixing the results, helping to avoid repeated "flight" of the teeth. Doctor prescribes the wearing of fixed or removable retainers. Removable put on any time (eg at night), fixed fixed for up to 4 years. Wearing retention devices - an important part of orthodontic treatment, you should not neglect it, for that matter, and all the other recommendations of the dentist.Malocclusion - Not a quick process and is not always painless, but the result is worth it.
Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady