Yeast infection in women occurs by increasing the number of yeast fungi colonizing the vaginal mucosa. Normally, they do not deliver much trouble, but in the event precipitating factors (reduced immunity, hormonal disorders, chronic diseases of the pelvic organs, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.) cause tissue inflammation.
The main symptoms of yeast infection in women - itching and burning sensation in the labia majora, the selection. When you begin the process of vaginal discharge may be watery. Gradually they become curd consistency with splashes as chips become white and thick. Peculiar smell allocation for thrush usually do not have, but sometimes they can smell sour yogurt.
Thrush usually begins with itching, and feelings are sudden and quite strong. By night becomes unbearable burning, plus a small swelling of the genitals. The mucous membrane begins to pinch and hurt, as ranked in the inflamed tissue urine corrodes. Sometimes the inflammation affects the anus. All these unpleasant symptoms lead to a nervous overstrain, a woman ceases to sleep, becomes irritable.
Sexual intercourse with thrush causes discomfort varying degrees of severity - from mild tingling to severe pain in the inflammation of the outer labia.
Symptoms of thrush may occur all at once, but most women are concerned about a few of them. Some symptoms may increase depending on the time of day, after a hot bath or eating disorders. In chronic candidiasis manifestations may then fade, then reappear, and each time become sharper and last longer. This causes sipping sensations in the abdomen - if fungal infection affects the area of the cervix and exacerbates existing pathology (erosive lesions of the mucous membrane).
Treatment performed using the yeast antifungal drugs, the choice of which depends on the sensitivity of data analysis of the pathogen.