In order not to eat too much, do not sit at the table hungry. Many housewives know the situation when, after cooking and sample the festive table is, they no longer want. So in order not to go for salads and snacks, you need to eat in advance.
Do not try to try everything once. It is best to distribute food rations for the whole night. Then there is no need to cram a double portion only because I want to try everything.
In order not to feel an excessive severity and not to consume too many calories, it is desirable to give up sausage appetizers, breads and heavy side dishes. Meat dishes better to combine with vegetables or use them in a pure form.
Nice to have a tradition of preparing for the holiday light salads with the appropriate ingredients, not the usual Olivier. Typically, the salads are prepared in such numbers and so satisfying, that at the time of hot dishes, many already feel that overeaten.
If willpower is present, from the use of desserts in the New Year's Eve, it is desirable to refrain in principle. Stomach and so experiencing stress, trying to digest fat and high-calorie foods. Without a piece of cake celebration will not be sad.
Prevent overeating at the holidays can be another way. Need to move as much as possible. So do not spend the night alone at the table. A walk in the fresh air will help burn calories and improve your mood.