Once again, the benefits of pumpkin

Once again, the benefits of pumpkin
 Pumpkin is considered one of the most ancient cultures, she grew up in America, even 3000 years ago. After the discovery of the New World the seeds of this plant, along with other were brought to Europe. Now, in many southern regions of Russia it is considered traditional Russian culture.
 Pumpkin - a natural vitamin and mineral complex. Champion of vitamins contained in the pumpkin is beta-carotene. For comparison, it orange variety of beta-carotene is several times greater than the carrots. Furthermore, pumpkin rich in vitamin C, B1, B2, PP, E. it much potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, cobalt, silicon, fluorine. Pumpkin - vegetable diet. Due to the low content in its flesh coarse fiber and organic acids, pumpkin can be eaten even in inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Pumpkin useful for iron deficiency anemia, as it contains the complex minerals involved in hematopoiesis (iron, copper, cobalt, zinc).

Pumpkin pulp, rich in pectin, improves bowel function in constipation, increases the excretion of chlorides from the body, increases diuresis without causing irritating effect on the kidney tissue.

Pumpkin seeds contain essential fatty acids, organic acids and vitamins. The oil from pumpkin seeds taste like olive and has been successfully used not only for cooking but also as a laxative and anti-inflammatory agent.

Pumpkin - a low-calorie product, so it is especially shown in the menu when overweight.

Fresh pumpkin juice in folk medicine has long been used as a diuretic, to this end, it is used to 1 cup per day.

Pumpkin - a natural remedy against worms. Most Active pumpkin seeds yield preparations of male fern, but do not have a characteristic fern side effects.
Pumpkin seeds - recognized by official medicine means to fight round and tape worms. This tool has no contraindications and can be used in children, pregnant women and the elderly.

 Author: Fiesta

Tags: pumpkin, use