After reading professional literature, watching a huge number of television raises the question: "How and what to eat to live longer? ". Work on this issue, many scientists conducting numerous experiments to get an answer.
According to the results of recent experiments that have been conducted by Western scholars, identified a number of food products that have a positive effect on metabolic processes in our body. On this basis, we developed a special menu, which, according to scientists, prolongs life.
This menu includes: chocolate, preferably black, green tea, coffee - foods that contain antioxidants, which prevent aging of the body at the intracellular level, speed up metabolism and actively remove toxins. In addition, it is necessary to enrich your diet a variety of fruits and vegetables: oranges, strawberries, pomegranates, blueberries, tomatoes, black currant bread with plum - those products, using that, we are actively protects the body from free radicals, which are devastating on the cells of our body.
According to recent reports, a number of the above products have been added to the apples. As it turned out, they found a complex element - epicatechin polyphenol, which is able to maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, which in turn is the prevention of thrombosis, various diseases of the heart, heart attack, stroke. In addition, it is not necessary to exclude from the diet foods rich in protein (meat, fish, cereals, dairy) - they are beneficial to the internal cellular processes occurring in the body.
Based on the above we can draw conclusions and decide what still eat to live longer, but still do not forget about the sport, without which it would be difficult to preserve youthfulness of your body.