History of celery
Medicinal properties of celery were known in antiquity. Birthplace of celery is Mediterranean, which gave the world and is a perennial herbaceous plant. Nowadays, celery spread throughout the world, in America, the Indian subcontinent, Asia, Africa can find wild forms of this plant.
Cultivating celery began long ago, in the days of antiquity. In Greece, ancient Rome used to eat the roots of celery and to ensure that they were juicy and not dry under the scorching sun, they were grown on a special technology, falling asleep all the ground completely petioles. The Greeks called celery "moon plant," apparently for his love of the moist, cool place growth.
In Egypt, the celery was surrounded by a special reverence. It was used as a ritual decoration of graves at the burial, were prepared from a special memorial meal. In Russia, too, celery was originally used for decorating florists, and only in the 19th century, people have recognized the benefit of this wonderful garden plants. Nobody knows what the impetus for such an arrangement, or physicians disclosedmedicinal properties of celery, Or fashion for all the unknown, but Russia has gradually become accustomed to the exotic product with a characteristic smell and spicy taste.
Celery - a storehouse of vitamins
Medicinal properties of celery today is no longer questioned. Celery is not fastidious in the care and keeps useful properties for the whole year. Celery is universal - the food used in the roots, stems and leaves. It is made juice, seasoning, garnish and salads, it contains many vitamins and minerals. Celery increases resistance to infectious diseases, helps fight inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
Vitamin C contained in the stems of this plant, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and helps to restore circulation. Calcium, magnesium, chlorine and iron normalize the immune system, increases blood hemoglobin. Sodium and potassium stabilize fluid and electrolyte balance, deduce the excess fluid from the body and reduce swelling.
Celery is rich in fiber, which helps digestion, cleanses the colon of toxins, increases gastric secretion. Essential oils in celery, have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve headaches and stimulate the production of the hormone "joy" - serotonin.
Celery - eating and losing weight
Medicinal properties of celery not limited to lots of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Celery - the best friend of the girls and of all who have decided to lose weight. He is a favorite product of nutritionists and ranks first on the table for people who take care of their health. Celery is not only useful and low-calorie foods, it is - a phenomenal product. On his digestion our body expends more energy than it receives calories in the process of assimilation. The formula is wonderful, but it is effective: in the process of eating celery, we do not recruit, and lose weight! Throughcurative properties of celery our body is cleaned, get rid of toxins, and thus the process of splitting fat is more intense. The skin becomes smooth and elastic, thin waist, and his eyes shine and there is a desire to take action. By the way, the active pursuit. Did you know that celery is recognized to possess aphrodisiac quality?
Celery - increases libido
Recipe magic drink that filled the hearts of location and inclination of the body, is mentioned in the writings of the ancient alchemists. Not for nothing celery called "moon plant," he has a mysterious and enigmatic qualities, able to kindle a love passion, to increase virility. According to legend, celery juice consumed Tristan and Isolde, and the root of this plant are used by sorcerers healers for making amulets and love "prisuh." Numerous medical studies have shown that contained in the root of celery active substances improve sexual function and contribute to enhanced libido.
Doctor from the garden
Medicinal properties of celery used by mankind for a long time. Nowadays, products based on the medicinal plants used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. They regulate the activity of the kidneys and liver, normalize metabolism, help with sleep disorders. Regular consumption of celery in food help to cope with obesity, gastro-intestinal diseases, and to cleanse the blood. Celery juice prescribe patients with urolithiasis, is used as a remedy for allergies and hives. A mixture of celery juice with carrot juice and dandelion treats anemia and raises vitality.
That's not allmedicinal properties of celery. Celery leaves great help in diseases of the mouth and gums, with bruises and tumors. Boiled root can be applied to burns, and fresh green celery, mixed with melted butter, is an excellent wound-healing agent.
We tried to tell you about all thethe therapeutic properties of celery"Lunar plant", known since the time of Hippocrates. Use these tips and discover the taste of this unusual, but such a useful product.
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady