About lemon oil can talk endlessly. Similarly, virtually endless variations of its application. Let's start with the fact thatlemon essential oil - Is one of the most accessible means for skin care. It costs mere pennies, but the result of his actions is priceless.
Amazing properties of lemon known for a long time, so long that even the ancient manuscripts read as a ready-made "research." Already in ancient Egypt, it was used as an antiviral agent, it is good to show themselves in the fight against dysentery and smallpox. Much later, the French regimental doctor Valne, affirmed the right of essential oils on a formal treatment. This valiant doctor conducted a study which showed that pure lemon oil destroys the germs of diphtheria in just 20 minutes, and in diluted form can destroy even sticks tuberculosis. In addition, he noted that if the conduct sanitization of premises with a solutionlemon essential oil, The number of patients with secondary infection are greatly reduced.
In fact, if he had communicated with more beauties of Europe, he did not need much time to study. Ladies have always known that lemon wonderful antiseptic and therefore often used its properties to combat acne pimples and viral rashes.
If only pragmatic approach, the oil of lemon - a combination of all sorts of useful features - it is safe to say, fighter invisible front, which destroys not only the TB germs, but aureus - the main instigator in the problems of acne and inflammation of the skin. Yes, and the herpes virus,
lemon essential oil do not like it, but given the price difference opt oil obvious.
During viral infections such as influenza, SARS, angina lemon oil is not only an effective tool, it has a pleasant smell, unlike so popular garlic beads. In order to protect himself and his family enough to drip a few drops of oil in aromamedalon or put it on a handkerchief from time to time inhaling the aroma.
Butlemon essential oil appreciated by the majority of women, not only for its health properties - it is the champion of the fight against various cosmetic problems.
Firstly, oil of lemon, along with other essential oils of citrus family, a wonderful remedy for cellulite. This eternal enemy of beauty with which ladies are unequal battle for decades, retreats at massage with oil of lemon. And not only massage. Before the next battle for a smooth and beautiful skin in problem areas take a bath. At full bath water, take 10 ml of bubble bath and dilute it 10 drops of lemon. This procedure not only bring toxins from the body, not only warm up the skin, but also returns a good mood after a hard day's debt. After the bath, you can have a massage. 15 ml of avocado oil take 7 drops of lemon oil, and since ankles, pressing hard, circular movements rise upward. Gently promassiruyte inside of the thighs.
Essential oil of lemon not only helps to get rid of cellulite, but also on varicose veins - because lemon oil is great thins the blood, thereby reducing the pressure on the damaged veins and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Ancient generally equated with the action of oil bloodletting, considering it a unique tool.
Oil of lemon, along with essential oil of clove, the prime agent for oral care. Suffice it daily in the evening cleaning the teeth add 1 drop of oil in toothpaste, as a result appreciate everything becomes fresh breath, gum disease disappears, teeth become whiter.
If you have a problem with your fingernails or on the hands began to appear spots, then you can do twice weekly baths for hands. In 1 liter of hot water add 5ml take almond oil 5 drops of lemon oil, dissolve, lower hands for 10 minutes. Then lubricate hand cream, enriched with lemon oil and wear cotton gloves. After these procedures, which need about 20 minutes in total, the skin will be well-groomed, white and clean, and the nails will get rid of yellowish color that appears with regular use of varnish.
Lemon essential oil for hair
Lemon essential oil used for hair. They say that if you rinse your hair with water and lemon oil, they become smooth and shiny after the first application. A platinum blonde rejoice in the shade, which gives the oil of lemon. To enhance hair growth, strengthening the roots and eliminate dandruff, try a mask for hair with essential oil of lemon. Take two tablespoons of castor oil, stir it with a spoon of almond oil and add 3 drops of lemon oil. Mixture heated in a water bath and rub the hair roots. We put on a plastic cap, wraps a towel, wash off after 15 minutes. There is also an easier way to strengthen the hair - every day after myatya head, we put a few drops of oil on the comb and comb your hair well.
Dolemon essential oil many more useful features - everything here so soon will not tell. But women's magazine JustLady always willing to share their knowledge, so if you have any questions - write. We will respond.