How to strengthen the legs vessels

How to strengthen the legs vessels
 Swelling of veins in the legs is not only external defects, but also a symptom of serious diseases. To prevent the negative effects of surgery and should be strengthened vessels.
 Best lessons to strengthen the walls of blood vessels are swimming, walking, jogging, cycling. Physical activity and a beneficial effect on the muscles of the legs. Also helpful are simple exercises, which involved the ankle and foot. As a result of regular training occurs strengthen the calf muscles and blood flow to normal.

Prolonged lack of movement leads to stagnation of blood in the legs. To avoid this, you need to periodically wake up from the workplace and stretches his legs. Pronounced effect will be, if at any time to raise them higher. It is not recommended to sit with his legs crossed.

Direct pressure on the blood vessels are closely clothing that causes pinched veins. To prevent impaired blood flow wise to choose comfortable shoes, tights, belts.

Strengthen blood vessels and reduce leg fatigue after a hard day, you can with the help of baths with the addition of herbal concoctions. From the same decoction can be prepared ice and wipe them periodically veins in the legs.

Douches and conventional water treatment effectively help improve the body's immune defenses and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. You can use contrast baths with the addition of a few drops of menthol oil or lemon juice. At the expense of the procedure there is an expansion and contraction of blood vessels, which is a useful exercise for them. At the end of the procedure is recommended to rub his feet with a towel.

Also, be aware that a violation of blood flow in the vessels is a consequence of disorders of the nervous system. It is therefore advisable to use anti-anxiety drugs and learn to relax means available (bath with essential oils, massage, relaxation and other procedures).

Tags: foot vessel disorder, wall, abdominal strengthening, blood flow