If you brush your teeth daily, do not smoke, do not abuse black coffee and do not drink strong tea, but yellow coating still appeared, the reason for this may be incorrectly choose a toothbrush. Remember that the higher stiffness of the toothbrush, the better it removes plaque on the teeth.
Get rid of the yellow plaque on the teeth, you can use an ordinary baking soda. Once a week, brush your teeth before the usual pasta, dip into the soda dampened with water and wipe the brush her teeth for three minutes. Then use regular toothpaste.
Effective tool in the fight against yellow stained teeth is activated carbon. Thoroughly mash tablet soaked in water dip your toothbrush in the resulting powder, rub it in the teeth for three minutes. Next, brush your teeth with a paste as usual.
If you are a heavy smoker and a big fan of black coffee, think about the professional cleaning of the mouth. During this procedure, a professional dentist clean your teeth from foreign matter such as yellow plaque and tartar, giving them a natural shade.
Not only to remove the yellow plaque from the teeth, but also to eliminate its appearance, you will help the daily use of hard fruits and vegetables, such as carrots and apples.