Take a piece of thick fabric in a few additions (always preferable cotton), wetting it with cold water or a special liquid lead-pharmacy stompbox, squeeze and apply to the affected area. Exposure time compress - Warming up the web. The procedure is repeated until until the pain subsides noticeably.
Hot compresses are applied to accelerate the resorption of local foci of inflammation. For this you will need a compress dense fabric made from natural fibers of vegetable origin (cotton, linen), oil cloth, a piece of pure wool material. First, cotton cloth soaked in hot water, wring out and apply to the body. Over the first tissue flap closely overlapping oilcloth, on top of it - warm wool fabric flap or a folded size compress warm woolen shawl. Instead of warm wool lining, you can use a heating pad with moderately hot water. Change compress every 10-15 minutes.
Hot compress recommended for resorption of inflammatory infiltrates on the skin after unsuccessfully made intramuscular and subcutaneous injection, with muscular pains. This wrap provides a rush of blood to the inflammatory foci and accelerates their reduction due to the expansion of deep and superficial blood vessels. Hot compress is superimposed on the desired area of the body with three layers. First put on the affected area of a piece of cloth (preferably find soft and hygroscopic linen, gauze quality) after moistening it in room temperature water and wring it well. Possible and alcohol option - instead of water, moisturize flap vodka or alcohol diluted in water (1: 1). Then layer oilcloth or compress paper, and on top - a layer of cotton wool.
Each of the series was layered on the previous overlapping the lower 2 cm. Compress bandage carefully and keep it to dry. Time Limit Procedure - 12 hours. If necessary, re-keying spend 2-3 hours.
This compress has contraindications: it can not be put in skin diseases - dermatitis different etiology and boils. On the surface of the epidermis are also excluded other visible damage - scrapes and scratches.
If the patient skin is susceptible to prolonged exposure to liquids, before staging a compress on the desired area, apply a nourishing cream or cosmetic Vaseline.