Amino acid - it's like a bead necklace - element of protein, a substance which is the basis of life. There are 20 amino acids. Some of them are synthesized in the body, so called "nonessential." "Essential" amino organism can only receive food.
These include phenylalanine, lysine, arginine, histidine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan. Arginine and histidine are "essential" only in its infancy, and then go into the category of "non-essential". The action of "essential" amino acids similar to the action of vitamins. Their absence in the diet can lead to serious diseases with a fatal outcome. Not all dietary proteins consist of 20 amino acids, some may contain less than 18 and "beads" - amino acids. At the same time, if incomplete will be "nonessential" amino acid, there is nothing wrong with that, and if the "indispensable" that such a protein would not be able to meet our nutritional needs and is called "defective."
Almost all vegetable proteins are "inferior." The good news is that the proteins of different plants contain heteronymic amino acids, and their lack can be compensated by eating other vegetable protein. Therefore, the conclusion is that plant foods should be as diverse. If you violate this rule, and even lack of food of animal proteins, develop severe disease kwashiorkor. This disease is common in Africa and Asia, especially in children under 5 years. In this disease, edema, and death. Animal proteins are not all complete.
Important properties of a "complete" protein is its digestibility. Not all proteins are well digested. For example, collagen, which is known as a housewife gelatin is absorbed only after many hours of cooking.
Secondly, "indispensable" amino acid should comprise a "complete" of a protein in the same amount as in the human protein. Because cow's milk proteins are different from breast milk proteins. Consequently, they do not fully complete, and feeding the baby cow's milk feeding worse human breast milk.
When lack of tryptophan in the body, symptoms of vitamin PP, as this vitamin is synthesized from tryptophan. First, there dermatitis, then diarrhea, dementia develops.
With a lack of a pregnant woman's body lysine, the fetus is not laid the rudiments of teeth. A lack of lysine in nursing mothers is defective tooth enamel kid, and this - caries, hypersensitivity enamel.
Lack of phenylalanine in the diet leads to pale skin, intolerance to sunlight, poor development of adrenaline and noradrenaline, which negatively affects the autonomic nervous system.
With a lack of tyrosine is a failure of thyroid hormones which are synthesized from tyrosine.
Lack of methionine causes cholesterol failure, broken signal transduction of neutralizing poisons in pecheni.Metionin used in the treatment of liver failure. This amino acid removes excess fat from the liver, which is important in case of poisoning, hepatitis, alcohol abuse and poisoning.
They, too, is not so simple. Although in the body and their synthesis is, but in some cases there is a violation of this process, resulting in there are serious diseases. Since bone fracture later in life causes a deficiency in the body of amino acids - proline, which is the source of gelatin. Therefore, in fractures should be consumed to 0, 5 kg per day aspic, biting his vitamin C and any iron preparations.
Some of the "nonessential" amino acid preparations became official medicine. For example, glycine, which is used in the excessive excitement, to remove the craving for alcohol. Glutamic acid is used for the treatment of central nervous system (epilepsy, psychosis, schizophrenia, depression, hyperactive children, and others.).
Unfortunately, violations of amino acid metabolism associated severe diseases such as cystinosis, phenylketonuria, a disease "maple syrup" and a number of other diseases. The most difficult, the most common - is phenylpyruvic mental retardation. At 20 million births a child she was ill. Cause of the disease - metabolic phenylalanine is converted into toxic to the brain phenylpyruvic acid, the source of which is the mother's milk. Doctors have learned to create artificial mixtures that do not contain phenylalanine, and the children were to survive. To avoid trouble during pregnancy should not use aspartame sweetener, as it is rich in phenylalanine.
Other diseases of impaired metabolism of amino acids are rare, and the probability of meeting them is negligible.