Echinacea is rich in its composition of biologically active substances. Consists mainly of polysaccharides, resins and other organic acids, essential oils, tannins. Echinacea is used as an anti-inflammatory, antifungal.
Echinacea brewed and drunk as a tea for colds and flu, any kind of inflammation in the recovery period after serious illnesses, operations, and antibiotics. Fresh flowers or a few spoonfuls of raw materials from the leaves and roots of Echinacea pour boiling water, insist 15 to 40 minutes and drink a glass a day. If the disease is caught you by surprise, it is recommended to drink at least 3 cups of this tea daily. The drink has a rejuvenating and cleansing effect on the body, slows the aging process.
Broth Echinacea at least useful in influenza, SARS, but also shows edema, headache, joint pain, stomach ulcer. Furthermore, such a decoction recommended to improve appetite, normalization of blood pressure, improving vision. Proven restorative, tonic effect on the body.
Broth prepare pretty simple. Fresh or dried leaves, flowers poured into a glass of water, heated in a water bath for about 40 minutes, and then insist and filter. Strictly to use food for at least one hour, a third cup, and so three times per day.
Pharmacy alcoholate Echinacea also has many useful properties. Applied tincture 20-30 drops before meals. Wash down with her best with plain water. Tincture - a great addition to the treatment of diseases such as gastric ulcer, gastritis, kidney disease, urinary bladder.
Prevention of viral diseases - the main indication for the use of tinctures. It is better to start taking the medication for a month before the expected epidemic that during this time the immune system stronger and was on guard your health.
In cosmetology used the juice of Echinacea, lubricating them blackheads, pimples on the face and body. Daily applying to problem areas swabs soaked juice may complete cleansing of the skin for 1 month.