Echinacea purpureaAs a medicinal plant, has long been known. Homeland her - the prairie of North America, the indigenous people who used echinacea for bites of poisonous snakes and insects, and treated her with the help of many diseases. In echinacea useful all - roots, leaves, buds, stems, and even seeds. It stimulates the immune system, has antiseptic and diaphoretic action, heals from infectious and inflammatory diseases, restores psychological balance and strength returns with physical fatigue.
Echinacea and acts as an antibiotic. She treats a sore throat, flu, hepatitis, arthritis, prostatitis, impotence, eczema, psoriasis, wounds, burns, and even depression. In other words,Echinacea use has a very extensive and truly is a priceless gift of nature to man. It is most effective at the beginning of the disease - throwing to deal with them all the protective resources of the body, this plant does not allow the disease to develop and adopt ambitious form.
Echinacea properties its content was due to it a number of unique components: essential oils, resins, vitamins, antioxidants, organic acids. The plant is rich in iron, calcium, selenium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, manganese, vitamins A, C and E. Together, these agents activate the therapeutic effect of each other, creating a kind of natural multi-drug complex. The very same treatment echinacea involves the elimination of the root causes of diseases.
It can be grown in home gardens - Echinacea great feeling to well crafted and moist soil in a sunny spot. As a medicinal plant used and the whole ground part of the plant and its rhizome. For dryingEchinacea collected during the growing season. In autumn, winter and spring it is drunk as a tea, a cup per day for disease prevention and three cups per day at the beginning of these diseases. Tea two teaspoons of plant pour half a liter of boiling water and infused for forty minutes. In the summer of finely chopped leaves of this plant can be prepared salads, filling them with oil and add the dill, parsley and vegetables.
Fresh leaf juice of Echinacea is used to rejuvenate skin and cleanse it from age spots, freckles and warts. A fresh juice inflorescences promotes rapid healing of wounds and rapid blood clotting.
Echinacea extract apply the flu, fatigue, anemia, vitamin deficiency, headaches, respiratory infections and urinary tract infections. You can cook it at home. To do this, crushed fresh root of Echinacea pour rubbing alcohol and insist all this within two weeks. Then, the resulting composition filter and take three times a day for twenty-five - thirty drops half an hour before a meal.
Inflammation of the female genital organs, prostate adenoma, gastric ulcer, violation of potency, arthritis, hepatitis, nephritis, eczema, psoriasis effectively treatsechinacea tincture. It is also possible to prepare yourself, bay leaves of the plant or its perennial roots alcohol and leaving them to infuse for ten days. Take this drug for twenty-five - thirty drops three times a day before meals.Tincture of echinacea roots make external friction with pneumonia, asthma, cough.
Echinacea included in the herbal composition used in treating diseases of the joints, alcoholism dysbacteriosis. There are pharmacies andEchinacea tabletsFor the treatment and prevention of colds, activating the body's defenses, restore psychological and physical condition with stress and fatigue and so on. The range of application of these drugs is very wide. However, recourse to echinacea, remember - it has some contraindications and can cause side effects. For example, echinacea is not recommended for people with allergies, pregnant women and nursing mothers, children under four years old, people with tuberculosis, AIDS and several other diseases. Therefore, before you start treatment extracts, tinctures or preparations of echinacea, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
Echinacea multifunctional. This miracle plant heals and rejuvenates your body, strengthens the immune system and cures for many diseases. Echinacea can be called a priceless gift of nature, a kind of magic wand that quickly restores strength, health and young people. It saves us from many troubles and allows to feel great all year round. This is the real queen of medicinal plants, the queen irreplaceable, all-powerful and eternal.
Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady