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Acclimatization - An adaptation of the organism to geographical mobility (in particular - climatic) conditions. For example, if you move from north to south, from humid to dry climate. Naturally, the first time the body will adjust to the new habitat. And it's not just about the global move, but an ordinary vacation.
What are the mainSymptoms of acclimatization? Weakness, lethargy, headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances. Temperature can be raised and sore throat, so sometimes mistaken for acclimatization common cold. Less likely to be observed violations of the gastrointestinal tract: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, stomach upset. Thus, not only the body reacts to a change of climatic conditions, but also unusual for it to food or water.
UsuallySymptoms of acclimatization appear on the second or third day after his arrival, and can occur from two days to a week. How long willacclimatization depends on many factors. Firstly, by age. It is believed that the most difficult thing is happeningacclimatization in children and the elderly. According to pediatricians, removal of children up to 3 years in the country, where the climate is very different from those in which the child was born and lives, rather risky.
Climate Change may adversely affect the health of your baby.Acclimatization in children older also occurs sharper and longer than in adults. Therefore, carefully read the characteristics of the country where are planning to go on vacation, and weigh the "pros" and "cons". For example, children should not go to resorts in the season, when the air temperature reaches 40-50 degrees (for example, in Egypt in the summer). If the child has respiratory problems, it will be hard to be in the hot humid places. Secondly, the duration of acclimatization depends on the health of man. The more chronic diseases, especially the process can be unpredictableacclimatization. Finally, play the role of the individual characteristics of the organism.
In order toacclimatization occurred less painful enough to observe a few simple rules.
On vacation, try as much as possible to respect the day: go to bed and get up at the same time. The temptation to sleep off, so to speak, "in reserve" is great, but the health benefit it will not work. It is particularly important adherence, if you go to a country with different time zone. Do not try to immediately rebuild mode for one day, adapting to new conditions gradually. It is desirable before the holidays, shift schedule lifting and bedtime for half an hour a day for a week. Then get used to the new time on vacation will take place almost unnoticed.
In general, the preparation for release should start at least 7-10 days prior to departure. Try to limit the exercise, get plenty of rest, getting used to selling daily routine. If weather permits, it will be useful to take short-term sunbathing. They will prepare the skin for the holiday sun.
Diet - another important thing toacclimatization failed to seriously spoil your holiday. Try to eat regularly at the same time. Do not lean on exotic foods. It is clear that when you come to the hotel, where everything is included and Swedish (more precisely, Turkish or Egyptian) table so beckons its availability, self-control is difficult. However, if you do not want to spend the rest of vacation, suffering stomach problems, remember, moderation and temperance again! Try to get the maximum diet consisted of fruits and vegetables, and the minimum - meat and pastry. Pay special attention to the water - it often it becomes a cause of gastrointestinal disorders. In no case do not drink water from the tap! Buy mineral or bottled water.
Going on vacation with their children, about their reactions toclimate change should think in advance. Since the processacclimatization in children rather long, it is best to go on vacation is not less than a month. Acclimatization takes 7-10 days for the rest of the time will be unforgettable. Start preparing for the rest of the month prior to departure: give your child vitamins, they have a positive effect on the immune system and help it easier to transfer climate change. No harm will be consulting a pediatrician.
Sometimes, on returning home, the reverse process -reacclimatization. The body, which is already rearranged under new conditions, have to re-adapt to the familiar. Usually reacclimatization passes quickly and painlessly. However, try the first week after the holiday is not to rush to work with the head, back into the workforce track gradually. Women's magazine JustLady wish you all a successful summer holiday and easy acclimatization!
Elena Yarkova
Women's magazine JustLady