Carefully, teeth whitening!

Carefully, teeth whitening!
 Teeth whitening is a chemical bleaching of fabrics with special structures. The procedure applies to conservative methods of aesthetic dentistry. Effectiveness depends on the cause of the violation of enamel color. Among the clinical situations that can not be (or hard-to-) bleaching include inborn errors of shade, high transparency of hard tissues, staining exposed dentine from the oral cavity.
 There are many ways of whitening. For example, professional hygienic cleaning by the method AIR-FLOW. The procedure is performed dentist with a mixture of water, air and particles of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Composition of special nozzles fed at a high speed (sand-blasting principle surfaces). As a result, restores the natural color of teeth.

External and internal professional bleaching is performed in the dental office. In the first method, a portion of the teeth, for example the top row, the specialist causes whitening agent. Then, a lubricant, which has a specific chemical composition.

Internal bleaching is carried out by the pulp chamber. First remove the old filling material is applied to a thin insulating pad of glass-ionomer cement, pulp chamber is filled with bleaching composition and establish a temporary seal that is removed in a few days. After reaching the desired color, becoming a permanent seal the desired shade.

Means length home whitening dental hard tissues can be purchased at any pharmacy - a viscous gels, which are held on the surface of teeth using a standard or individually made mouthguards. As part of hydrogene peroxide in a fairly high concentration which adversely affects the enamel, making the teeth porous. This is not entirely safe whitening including for the gums. They are irritated, there is a burning sensation that usually disappears after a couple of days after the procedure. Teeth whitening occurs on average two color on a color scale in 80% of people. The effect of chemical bleaching can last up to five years. To maintain the desired effect of bleaching requires regular oral hygiene, including professional.

In toothpastes with whitening effect include hard abrasive elements which attenuate enamel increase tooth sensitivity and gum. Therefore they can be considered harmful. Follow some rules: regularly brush your teeth, do not abuse caffeine, nicotine. This will preserve the natural color of your teeth for a long time.

Light bleaching (via special tubes) and harmful for the enamel and gums. Irradiation during the procedure is four times longer than when exposed to sunlight. As a result, not only the mouth but also to the skin and eyes may cause burns.

Tags: tooth danger