Person perceives color not only view, but absorbed through the skin, muscle and even bone. Penetrating a similar way in the human body, color affects the mental state and endocrine glands, including the pituitary gland. This gland produces hormones that control the internal state of man, led by sleep, sexual arousal, emotional lift, appetite and metabolism.
You must correctly use the energy of color. Knowing what affects one or another color, you can normalize the human nervous system and heal ailments.
Orange - the color of communication. It promotes trust and remove obstacles in relations.
Yellow brings relaxation. He gives optimism, brings relief from the problems and causes a desire for change. This color is associated with the solar plexus energy, it heals the mind and body.
Green symbolizes pride, it is associated with compression and tension. Balance it can only yellow. Green activates the strategic mindset of man, aims at developing plans, the development of ideas.
In order to increase muscle strength, improve the complexion, improve memory and stay awake, you must give preference to red. That he has such an impact on the human body. Red activates the nervous system and causes it to use unspent reserves, increases the tone. He actively helps to overcome life's obstacles.
Pink improves mood, helps to produce endorphins. This is the color that helps nascent feeling of love.
Blue color stimulates a sense of satisfaction, affection and love. This color is the same sense of security. Nervous system, though resting in contact with him.
Blue also contributes to relaxation. He even recommended for insomnia. Bedroom in blue tones, blue glow - all contribute to sleep. Mental immersion in this color is calming the nervous system.
Calms the nervous system and purple. It slows the active organism. But it dangerous overdose depression and melancholy.
In order to saturate the body with any color you can wear appropriate clothing, use the desired range in the interior, pick up the minerals, painted in this color. In addition, it is necessary to use the products of a given color, saturate them water while taking a bath and mentally fill them yourself.