Products, anti-aging

Products, anti-aging
 Over the years, women begin to think about how to cheat time and try to keep the spectacular appearance, looking younger than his years. In addition to a variety of cosmetic procedures and proper care of themselves can help with this product, anti-aging.

Normalization of food contributes not only to the preservation of graceful figure, but also improve the skin condition. To the person did not spoil the early wrinkles start to eat properly even need to youth. To look good, you should regularly eat the following foods youth.

Tomatoes. They contain lycopene, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and fighting cancer cells. An additional advantage of this material is that it does not lose the beneficial properties when subjected to heat treatment. Also in tomatoes contains serotonin, which regulates the nervous system and improves mood. Good psychological well-being - is the key to physical health, as stress has a negative effect on the metabolism and overall appearance.

Fish containing fatty acid, by which retains skin elasticity and tonicity. If you eat fish dishes at least once a week, then the appearance of early wrinkles can not worry.

Flaxseed oil also contains fatty acids. It has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the hair, making it smooth and beautiful.

Green salad. It contains lutein, contributing to the preservation of youth, as well as calcium, folic acid and a large amount of vitamin C. All these substances are necessary for women's health.

Seafood containing iodine. His lack of a negative impact on the functioning of the thyroid gland, and without the normal operation of other systems of the body is simply impossible.

Vegetables and cereals containing fiber. They promote normal bowel habits. This is the bread from wheat flour, any vegetable salads, but without fatty sauces, cereals. Beautiful and glowing skin is possible only in the case when the body does not accumulate toxins.

Also remember that the products, prolonging youth, help only when leads a healthy lifestyle. Hope that with the help of tomatoes and oily fish can help the skin, toxic smoke nicotine or alcohol, does not make sense.

Tags: product, youth, aging