How useful prunes

How useful prunes
 Plum trees are the result of the "experiment" of nature: seeds thorns mixed with plum seeds. As a result of cross-breeding, a new plant, which successfully united the best qualities of their ancestors. Plum received blackthorn frost and special alychovy taste. Bluish-red fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It is particularly important to note that all the nutrients are preserved in the dried fruit with a stone. He was named one of the varieties of fruit tree - prunes.
 Dried plum get natural and industrial processes. In the first case, ripe fruit carefully sorted, washed and dried in the sun. Such a prune plain view, but it is there as much as possible stored nutrients of fresh fruit. Industrial process involves the processing of steam and plum with a special compound for fast drying. The proportion of vitamins in the "factory" dried fruit is somewhat reduced, but still remains high.

In prunes contains beta-carotene, vitamin E, PP, C, the whole group, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, fluorine, zinc, and others. Dried plum also rich in fiber, pectins, organic acids, proteins and carbohydrates. Vitamin and mineral saturation, and determines the usefulness of prunes to humans.

Laxative properties of dried plums most known. 5-6 berries a day will help to normalize bowel function and forget about constipation. Those who taste of dried fruit seems too saturated, we can recommend a healing infusion. Prunes (5 pcs.) Pour 1 cup of boiling water (200 mL) and let stand for an hour. Then add to the mix the juice of one lemon. Infusion to drink in the morning.

Infants prunes can cause intestinal cramps or diarrhea. This should be remembered parents, especially nursing mothers. Children of preschool and early school age is useful once a week to cook stewed prunes and dried apricots.

Dried plum is a good urinary and cholagogue. Regular consumption of prunes helps the body cleansed of toxins and normalize metabolism. The high potassium content helps to improve the water-salt balance in the body, reducing the burden on the kidneys and prevent the formation of this body of sand and stones.

Decoctions of dried fruits with the obligatory inclusion of these prunes is often recommended for people who have low hemoglobin or a lack of B vitamins Hypertensive can prepare simple and useful tea and plum composition. Prunes (4 pcs.) Soak in a small amount of boiling water for 5 minutes. Then each berry cut into small pieces. Mix the prunes with black-leaf tea. Brew drink boiled water you need at the rate of 1 tsp mix to 1 cup of water.

Vitamin and mineral content of prunes makes it highly antibacterial and antioxidant agent. Dried fruits include maintenance diet of cancer patients and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Dried plums berries stimulate the immune system and the body's resistance to various infectious diseases. Prunes promotes the breakdown and removal of free radicals. On this property it effect is based skin rejuvenation.

For all utility prunes abuse it is not necessary. This is a fairly high-calorie product. In moderation it can be added to salads, hot meat dishes, desserts. Prunes are contraindicated in low blood pressure, diabetes and chronic diseases of internal organs. Who want to add dried plums in your daily diet you should consult with your doctor.

Tags: use, property, prunes, use