Helpful and healing properties of sorrel

Helpful and healing properties of sorrel
 Sorrel - plant of the family Polygonaceae, can grow up to five feet. In folk medicine used all parts of the sorrel: roots, leaves, fruits and blossoms.

Sorrel - a unique plant. For centuries, traditional healers tested recipes with sorrel help with a wide range of ailments and have a mass of healing properties. So, sorrel horse has a positive effect on the body when inflammation, bleeding, increased excitability, bowel problems, broncho-pulmonary diseases, relieves spasms and increases blood pressure. Contraindication to the use of drugs with sorrel are kidney disease and pregnancy.

Harvest sorrel horse during the summer, prosushivaya part in the shade, and self-penned raw material is not stored for more than three years. As folk medicine uses and fresh sorrel leaves. But this is possible only in the warmer months.

Decoction prepared from the roots of sorrel, help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, the infusion of dried leaves are considered a good remedy for dental problems, as well as angina.

A variety of infusions and decoctions of roots, leaves and fruits are used for skin problems. Scabies ointment prepared from sorrel. Fresh leaves of sorrel give a remarkable effect in the treatment of wounds, boils on the skin and make it easier to condition with burns. Packs of fruit concoctions make ulcers and burns; decoction of inflorescences stops bowel disorder.

Sorrel is used not only in medicine. In the roots of the plant contain a pigment that gives a black and yellow, and the leaves and stems can be obtained pigment painted in green. In addition, it is known that the infusion of the roots of sorrel previously used for tanning leather. Also products based on parts of the plant took root in veterinary medicine and is used for skin lesions.

Cottagers too well informed about the properties of sorrel: extracts of roots help to fight aphids.

Young leaves of sorrel are widely used in cooking for salads and soup. Very useful for losing weight is a plant - its energy value is small, while the leaves and young shoots contain a large amount of indigestible fiber, which creates a feeling of satiety.

Tags: property, sorrel