Proper breakfast - the guarantee of health and weight control

Proper breakfast - the guarantee of health and weight control
 In the fight for health and harmony with one of the keys to success is the right breakfast. B that people knew even in the distant past, not accidentally born proverb: "Eat breakfast yourself, share dinner with a friend, dinner and give the enemy." This principle is modern and Dietetics - healthy breakfast should be nutritious.

Researchers found that those women who do not eat breakfast, weigh more than those who do not neglect your morning meal and eat at breakfast, about half the daily requirement of calories. Oddly enough, the breakfast is not only energizes the whole day, but also helps to lose weight.

Proper breakfast should be at least 30-40% of the total daily diet. Also, the morning meal should be earlier. Nutritionists believe that the body gets used to the food. The faster start the process of metabolism. As a result, this will lead to the rapid fat burning and weight loss. If the body does not go a morning meal, he will instinctively accumulate adipose tissue, podstrahovyvayas from further starvation.

So, we have seen that it is necessary to have breakfast and lunch significantly. But what exactly? Here are a few useful options for breakfast, which will help to maintain health and normal weight.

The stores sell ready-mix, but you can prepare your own muesli. You can take an ordinary oatmeal, add more fruit to taste, nuts, honey, then pour the warm milk, juice or water. After 10 minutes, you can eat muesli. If such a breakfast drink regularly, improve skin, hair and nails.

It should be fairly easy and vitamins. For example, you can cut cucumbers and tomatoes, add the herbs, spread sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese. Another option - shredded sorrel and radishes, sliced ​​boiled egg and sour cream.

You can use any fruit - fresh or canned. You can mix the apricots, strawberries, kiwi, bananas, apples, pears, plums - to taste, add a bit of orange or lemon juice, a little whipped cream.

Cottage Cheese
It's nutritious and healthy breakfast, as contained in the curd Calcium is needed for bones and teeth, nervous system. Curd can smeshats honey, sour cream, fruit. Or - with herbs and garlic, vegetables.

Fermented prodktov for breakfast need to eat more - a full plate. They are rich in protein and calcium. In yogurt, you can add your favorite pieces of fruit, cereals. You can also prepare your own yogurt from yogurt.

Kashi may be different - semolina, oat, rice, buckwheat. In the cereal, you can add fruit. Raisins. Kashi - a source of energy. They also excrete toxins.

If there is a breakfast of bread, then quickly comes a feeling of satiety, because a lot of carbohydrates in the bread. Sandwich can be made not only of bread and cheese, and bread on the putting greens, ham, vegetables and eggs.

It besides eggs and milk should be put greens, tomatoes, grated cheese. Get a delicious and healthy breakfast.

Tags: weight, health, police, bail, breakfast