How do I find doctors, the cause of the headache may be those foods that contain large amounts of vasoactive substances that constrict blood vessels. These include amines - compounds that are found in aged cheeses such as parmesan. In many of these cheeses tyramine, enhances pressure and causing throbbing headache.
Amines found in yogurt, sour cream, smoked meats, salted or pickled fish. It, as well as various pickles, the use of which may impair the water-electrolyte balance in the body and lead to delay in the liquid therein, contribute to increased intracranial pressure and headache.
In chocolate, but amines, also contains many bioactive components, exciting acting on nerve endings and causing more headaches. Nerve endings can be excited and under the influence of enzymes contained in red wine.
Or flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate, which is used in many canned foods and dishes of Korean and Chinese cuisine is also able to cause severe headaches. It can even be accompanied by redness of the skin of the upper body, the occurrence of hot flashes in my head throbbing. After receiving a large amount of sodium glutamate can cause symptoms similar to intoxication: diarrhea, abdominal pain, weakness. This supplement is often put in the dry chips, bouillon cubes, dry spices, packaged soups.
Headache may be caused by a product which is present in the composition of the sweetener - aspartame. If you limit yourself to the sweet and using such products, pay attention to what sweetener is included in their composition. For some people a headache attack could trigger a slice of orange or grapefruit, a slice of lemon in tea.
Doctors say that the cause of 20% of severe headaches experienced by patients are just food.