How to make a syrup

How to make a syrup
 The syrup is used to treat various diseases. Its advantages are a pleasant taste and simplicity in calculating the dose. Most often syrups are assigned to children, as they are not able to swallow the tablet.
 The most common indications for acceptance syrup are fever (antipyretic syrup), cough (syrups dry and wet cough), pain (analgesic syrup), bacterial diseases (bacterial syrups).

Of course, for the prevention and treatment need to read the annotation to the drug, with detailed information on the amount of syrup for a specific case. Also, the exact dosage may be assigned by the attending physician.

A feature of this drug is sugar, so those with a predisposition to diabetes syrups are contraindicated. Also flavorings can cause allergic reactions in humans. In this case, the reception syrup should be discontinued or replaced with a similar unscented.

Pre should shake the contents of the vial to the drug rose from the bottom of the bottle and distribute evenly. Typically, complete with special syrups are measuring spoon or syringe, which allow to take up the desired amount of drug.

Since syrups sweet enough, it is recommended to drink boiled water at room temperature or other liquid (unless otherwise specified in the instructions). It is also necessary to take into account the reception syrup: before meals, during meals, after meals. This is necessary for better absorption of the drug and achieve better results of treatment.

In no case can not use the syrup after the expiration date. Such a preparation not only will not bring the expected benefits, but also can harm the human body. Should pay attention to the expiration date after opening the bottle, as some syrups are stored for a few days. Optimal storage syrup is cool and dark place.

Tags: reception, syrup, treatment, prevention, additive