In fish and nuts are omega-3, useful for the brain. The high content of protein, fat and essential vitamins in these products also help to strengthen memory. In general, many of the unique oil that are found in nuts and fish (especially marine), contain nutrients that are not produced in the body, but are necessary for its proper operation.
Honey on the results of studies conducted by the University of Waikato (New Zealand) can be safely called liquid gold for the brain. It is this sweet gift of nature is able to reduce anxiety and enhance memory.
To improve memory are also important fruits and vegetables. For example, apples contain quercetin, which protects us from excessive forgetfulness and absentmindedness. Blueberries and beets are composed of anthocyanin, also useful for storing large amounts of information. In the eggplants have nasunin protecting lipids in the tissue of the brain. Dark green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, Brussels sprouts, lettuce) are rich in folic acid, which is even able to prevent memory loss.
Among the herbs rosemary is particularly effective. It is rich in antioxidants and carnosic acid, which enhances cerebral vascular tissue. Only one flavor of rosemary makes quickly recall important data (using this herb in the West held serious "test" among office workers). And also help improve memory plants such as ginkgo, ginseng, and goth-Cola - they stimulate the brain's neurotransmitters.
Tea contains caffeine and has antioxidant properties due to the content of polyphenols. According to research conducted by the University of Limburg (Netherlands), the use of this drink improves cognitive function, particularly memory. In the case also found calming amino acids - for example, theanine, which helps reduce the "nervousness" and keeps the mind is tense, but focused.
But it is difficult to use all of these products on a daily basis and in the right quantities. Therefore, if you notice for a distraction and forgetfulness, get help from vitamin complexes to enhance memory, which must necessarily contain lecithin, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, folic acid, iron and iodine.