My sorrow is full edoyu ...

My sorrow is full edoyu ...
 You threw a guy got on the case is not at work, you have offended or humiliated, or just on my heart sad - you run to the store to buy something tasty. All the sorrow and grief has consistently seizes chocolates, cakes or halva.

Many experts in various fields, from dieticians to psychologists - are confident that between overeating and stress there is some logical connection. So why are depressed want to ruin located near the refrigerator?

The first hypothesis is a reference to that person under stress all the indifferent, including how much food it consumes. He's just not watching their diet.

The second view is looking into the causes of congenital human reflexes, ie overeating to saturation or even supersaturation - a kind of emotional defense mechanism. Remember the baby-infants, who, feeling the danger extends to the parent grudyi, despite the fact that the already tight eaten.

Third, the development and emergence of stress appetite control, the same region of the brain - the hypothalamus. In simple terms, the hypothalamus may just get confused and recognize the signal of the need for food, as the only true and possible. Hence uncontrolled increase in appetite.

Fourth, the stress is exercise, overwork and exhausting, so the body needs food rich in carbohydrates, and elevated levels of glucose in the blood reduces emotional stress and a feeling of lightness and flight.

Naturally, overeating, you get better, lose form, it causes resentment and, accordingly, the next stage of depression. How can this be avoided?

If the soul cat scratch, eat a couple of chocolates or a piece of chocolate cake, but this and limit. No disorder should not harm you and your health, because foods with a high glycemic index requires a large amount of insulin. It is fraught with diabetes. It is better to drink a course of sedatives that necessarily you should assign neurologist. Do not self, do not bring themselves up to the sorry state when it is already in the mirror and look disgusting.

Sadness sadness, but must love yourself first. Feel that overweight? Work out. Besides focusing on exercise distracts from the bad and sad thoughts.

Tags: food, stress, depression, crisis