Milk, yogurt, yogurt: whether to drink

Milk, yogurt, yogurt: whether to drink
 Milk - a unique material composition, the secret of normal activity of the mammary glands of cows. It is composed of a molecular, emulsion and colloidal substances that naturally nowhere else: lactose, kozein, lactoglobulin, lactalbumin, milk fat. Milk and its products are present in the diet of adults and children are not in vain.

Milk and dairy products - is the main source of well absorbed form of calcium. As you know, this mineral plays a crucial role in the formation of bone tissue, is actively involved in the action of blood coagulation, in physiological processes that occur at the level of the neuromuscular synapse (connection). So it's hard to imagine what we can replace milk and milk products to meet the needs of the human body calcium.

Milk, especially boys, contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, which is essential for the proper development of the growing organism, for visual function.

Milk protein casein contains the amino acid methionine, which, along with the milk sugar lactose, has beneficial effects on the kidneys, liver and nervous system. Frequent shortage of the enzyme lactase, which helps to digest lactose, is not a reason not to eat dairy products.

Dairy products (yogurt, yogurt, cottage cheese) contain large amounts of nutrients of milk, and in addition, also beneficial micro-organisms - lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. These bacteria multiply in the intestine prevent opportunistic and pathogenic microflora, strengthen the immune system, improve the quality of digestion in the gut and fat metabolism.

Milk protein casein if it enters the acidic environment of the intestine is curtailed, absorbing the toxic and harmful substances. Therefore, milk is recommended to take orally for a variety of food poisoning and occupational hazards.

But keep in mind that the most useful fresh homemade milk and homemade yogurt and yogurt. In fresh milk contains the maximum number of vitamins and biologically active substances, compared with boiled or pasteurized products.

Milk that we buy in the store, incorporates not only useful, but also harmful substances (nitrates, nitrites, pesticides, antibiotics), which brings people of their economic activities. A shoplifting yoghurts contain a large number of potential allergens (colorants, emulsifiers, preservatives, flavorings). Therefore, the choice of such a useful product, like milk, should be approached wisely.

Tags: yogurt products, dairy, milk, yogurt, protein, casein