Healthy dishes from oatmeal

Healthy dishes from oatmeal
 Oats - one of the most useful herbs. Whether it is a porridge of whole grains or flakes Hercules, in any case, it will enrich the body with vitamins Group B, and minerals. No wonder even the most debilitated patients are recommended slimy decoctions from oat bran and bran. And for all the other chefs have come up with a lot of tasty and healthy dishes of oatmeal.

Oatmeal for centuries used in Russian cuisine. One of the most esteemed dishes of the past - a thick oatmeal, who drank milk. Most likely, it is from this culinary tradition originated the phrase "Milk River - milk and honey." Cook this dish is a snap. 0, 5 kg of oat grains pour 4 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, a little salt and cook until cooked cereals. Decant the decoction and let it cool. Ready jelly can be cut with a knife - so it is tight. Serve it to jam or fresh fruit.

There is another option cooking oatmeal - festive. The difference is that at the stage of separating the liquid into it is necessary to add about 5-6 grams of dry yeast and 30-40 g of sugar and then put in a warm place. It is important to make sure that the pudding ahead of time is not frozen - it should begin to ferment, which will give the finished dish a characteristic sweet and slightly sour taste.

Modern hostess did not overlook this cereal. In their arsenal are delicious and healthy dishes from oatmeal as casseroles, pancakes and wonderful scones for breakfast. For their preparation, take 200 ml of cold water, bring to a boil, add salt, stir it 45 g butter. When the second fluid boils - stir mixture 30 g of 100 g of wheat and oat flour. After 2-3 min. remove from heat, cool, drive 2 eggs one at a time and clean for half an hour in the refrigerator. Bake the muffins on a parchment sheet in a moderately hot oven, molding them with a teaspoon and laying not too close to each other. Serve these muffins is better with honey, jam or butter.

From yesterday's oatmeal can be cooked a wonderful casserole with apples and rum raisin. 1 hour before cooking, soak a handful of raisins in rum. Wash apples, peel and seed slot, cut into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice to avoid darkening. Whisk 3 eggs 30 grams of sugar, enter pressed raisins and apples. Connect the resulting mixture with yesterday's oatmeal. Grease the pan, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, put weight, level the top with a knife and put it on top of the casserole a few pats of butter. The food must be prepared in the oven for half an hour.

Tags: meal, oatmeal, pudding, muffin, cereal