Healing blackberry

Healing blackberry
 On the healing properties of blackberries known since ancient times. In this berry contains large amounts of nutrients. Therefore, it is used to treat many diseases. Also, the healing properties of actively used in folk cosmetics.
 Blackberries are rich in carotene, fructose, glucose, vitamins C, A, E, tocopherols, tannins, fiber and organic acids. Therefore, they are used for the treatment of diabetes, arthritis and kidney and bladder.

In blackberry contains a large amount of bioflavonoids, which in its action resembles antioxidants. With this berries have anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties, and also improve the absorption of vitamin C and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Blackberry leaves has wound-healing properties. Therefore, this herb is used to treat skin diseases. When stomatitis, gingivitis and bleeding gums is useful to apply the fresh leaves of blackberry, or rinse your mouth with broth. Cook it simply. Pour 20g of dry raw material and 1 cup of water and boil in an enamel container for 20 minutes.

You can make a wonderful tea. Fresh leaves, place in an enamel bowl and cover. Wait until they wilt and darken. After the dry leaves in the open air. This tea is very useful for women during menopause and prolonged heavy menstrual period.

Blackberry has high diaphoretic and antipyretic properties. It is often used to treat acute-respiratory diseases. Fresh berries effectively quench thirst, strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism and contribute to the improvement of the blood.

Blackberry actively used in traditional cosmetics. To make the skin fresh and healthy color cook mask. Grind 2 tablespoons fresh berries so as to obtain a puree. Then add the same amount of cream and mix thoroughly. Apply to clean face and neck for 15-20 minutes.

To give the skin a matte chop a handful of blackberry leaves in a blender or through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is put on the face an even layer and hold for 15 minutes. Then wash with cool boiled water.

Tags: mask, use, property, treatment, blackberry