Fast Food and what it eats

Fast Food and what it eats
 Paradoxically, much of the public active age is quite harmful fast food, but punctually attends all sorts of places serving food of this kind. Another audience fast food - families that have young children. The latter, despite all admonitions of parents, literally forcing mothers and fathers buy them hamburgers, because with them the popular kids get little toys.

Nutritionists have put a lot of effort to explain to the society as, on what, from what ingredients make sandwiches and french fries, served in fast food establishments. As well as all harmful to the body additives present in their sauces and baking. But visitors to the fast food restaurants do not become less. On the contrary, the audience grows in direct proportion to the growth of the birth rate. Some places are closed, to be replaced by new ones come immediately. Their range varies only slightly.

The majority of fast food offers sandwiches, chips, sauces to it and sodas. However, in recent years, management has adjusted catering menu. For example, a McDonald appeared lettuce, carrots and yogurt. But amid the sprawling assortment of hamburgers and cheeseburgers it's like a drop in the sea.

Separate words deserve sauces, served in fast food. With rare exceptions, they consist of a large amount of starch and additives class "E", negatively affecting the gastrointestinal tract and exchange system users. In ketchup contains high acid content in mayonnaise - emulsifiers and mustard sauce - flavorings "natural identical." Combined with bold potatoes, these sauces are created faster satiety and in some incomprehensible way affect the "pleasure center" of man, eat of them, but some benefit from such a body does not receive food, and even more will not receive beneficial nutrients. Accordingly, with regular visits to fast food very soon begins vitamin deficiencies.

How can defeat the evil called "fast food"? The answer is obvious: armed with the same arsenal. Master the technology of preparation of sandwiches, french fries and sauces at home is not difficult. Replace questionable wheat bun loaf of whole wheat flour and rye, or even better prepared from a mixture of grasses. Dress it with ketchup, which in the autumn have prepared for the future with fresh ground tomatoes. Put it on the same pieces of his salty cucumber, onion rings sweet violet, lettuce. And between them - a juicy beef patty, stuffing for which promololi themselves. Believe me, no hamburger can not be compared with that yummy. And french fries has long been possible to do almost without oil, baking it in the oven or Aerogrill with automatic blowing.

Tags: food, service, food, harm, fast food