About the ancient Russian drink

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 Kvass - the oldest national soft drink, perform a variety of tasks. In addition to high capacity to quench their thirst, brew helps to complete the required number of trace elements were lost during excessive sweating in the heat. In the history of the first mention of kvass dated the beginning of XI century.  

Kvass was an ardent admirer of Alexander Pushkin, that's what he wrote of his countrymen: "They kvas as the air needed." Brew while cooked everywhere - in the manor and peasant huts, in the soldiers' barracks and monasteries.

In the XVIII century Patriarch of Antioch Macarius Secretary traveled to Muscovy. At the beginning of the XI century in his memoirs, he wrote that the Russian who prefer water brew never get sick "diseases, bad water from occurring."

Much later, in the XIX century, it was found that kvass actually has antibacterial properties - in 20 minutes it killed typhoid coli and Vibrio cholerae. A lactic acid bacteria, giving it a sharp kvas, a specific taste, help to normalize the activity of the intestinal microflora.

Kvass naturally accumulates during fermentation of carbon dioxide. And due to this has not just high, and its great ability to quench their thirst, which is one of the main advantages of this natural grain beverage.

Obtained during fermentation of wort brew made from rye flour and malt barley and rye. Fermentation of wort occurs via ferment consisting of lactic acid bacteria and yeast. There are many recipes for natural kvass. Some of them are half-forgotten, and are of interest only to the ethnographic point of view.

At present, our producers remembered kvass and establishing its industrial production. But, unfortunately, today's drink - kvass industrial manufacturing has practically nothing to do with kvass, wrote about our great compatriot. Find a real brew, not flavored carbonated drink is not easy. A variety of food coloring additives, citric acid, benzoic acid and sorbic acid, sugar or other sweeteners, turned it into a normal "soda", only slightly reminiscent of vintage, this kvass. Therefore, when selecting brew, try to find one in which structure will not find any artificial additives. The list of ingredients must be present classical kvass only water, leavened wort, yeast and sugar.

It should be noted that, for all its usefulness, kvass is very high in calories. Another significant drawback - low content of ethanol (about 0, 5%), which should take into account people who are contraindicated alcohol.

Tags: Russian, drink