The Greek name of persimmon - Diospyros - means "food of the gods." Such a definition is not accidental: in its nutritional properties and the degree of usefulness to the organism that fruit than many other foods. Berries persimmon enough calories because of the presence of large amounts of glucose. Therefore, diabetics can eat it only very limited portions.
For healthy people persimmon - a source of minerals, fiber, antioxidants and plant proteins. Eating fruit in 2-3 day can provide the body daily requirement of potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, vitamin A, R and S. This shows the daily portion of persimmon and prevention of cardiovascular diseases, since it vitamins C and P. responsible for increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. And contained in this berry potassium has a relaxing effect on the heart muscle, and can have a pronounced sedative effect.
Persimmon is not very high in calories (60 kcal / 100 g), but quite satisfying, so easily replaces a full snack during the day. It contains a lot of pectin and fiber, so this berry is not only perfectly nourishes, but also improves digestion and removes from the bowel toxins.
Persimmon has bactericidal effect increases immunity and serves for the prevention of cancer.
Persimmon can be used not only fresh, but also dried, and squeeze out the juice. In this case, the juice should be diluted by half with water and used to rinse with pharyngitis and cold.
Dried persimmon effective as an adjuvant in hypertension.
Especially useful to use not only persimmon fruit, but also make tea from its leaves. This drink is a powerful tonic remedy.
In the home of cosmetology can be used for making masks persimmon. For this purpose it is necessary to knead the flesh to a state of pulp, mixed with egg yolk and apply to cleansed face and neck. This mask is suitable for oily skin: it tightens pores, improves skin tone and gives the face a healthy hue.