Vitamin B2 is involved in the processes of energy is important for maintaining healthy skin, eyes and nervous system. Riboflavin rich in dairy products, bread, cereals, poultry and fish. With long-term lack of vitamin cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, skin rash, sore throat can constantly. Deficit and characterized by increased sensitivity to light.
Carrots, liver, cheese, milk, butter, spinach - all sources of vitamin A. It is essential for healthy skin and mucous membranes, and also supports visual acuity. Noticeable lack of vitamin appears the so-called "night blindness" when very hard to see in the dark. The skin becomes dry and flaky, appetite weakened, there may be problems with the digestive, respiratory and urogenital systems.
For muscle strength and muscle growth important vitamin D. It also helps the body absorb calcium, which, in turn, is a regulator of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Vitamin deficiency can cause rickets in children and adult muscle weakens and increases the risk of fractures. Vitamin D is produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight, so you need to spend enough time on the street. It is found in milk, fish oil, butter, egg yolk.
For blood clotting need vitamin K. Without it the process of regeneration. Man dies from a small wound, if the blood will not clot. To provide the body with vitamin K, need to eat vegetables and greens, beans. With a lack of vitamin skin damage are unstable.
For the synthesis of red and white blood cells need vitamin B12, which is found in animal products: meat, milk, eggs. Vitamin deficiency anemia appears, fatigue, loss of appetite. Severe forms of beriberi fraught with neurological problems.