So, to understand how the human hunger appeased, need to refer to the mechanism of the brain, or rather to the hypothalamus. It was in this small brain department are very important centers - saturation and hunger. If one active, the other is disabled for some time. Satiety center comes into its active state after 20-30 minutes after eating, so the experts, nutritionists recommend eating slowly so as not to overeat at the time of inclusion of the satiety center.
There is a group of products, for whatever reasons, increases the feeling of satiety.
1. "easy" proteins. They promote normal blood circulation and uniform digestion of food, as well as provide optimum quality satiety and energy distribution. These include poultry and fish.
2. cereals. This is the main source of fiber for the body. Thanks to her, the process of digestion is slowed, so the energy of the body is given several times slower, which contributes to longer blocking the hunger center. Oatmeal, muesli and porridge others are perfect for breakfast.
3. Vegetables. This category of products includes root vegetables and legumes: beans, peas, lentils. They contain so-called long and short carbohydrates that can quickly satisfy your hunger and keep the feeling of satiety for a long time.
4. Bananas, grapes and pears, which in its composition contain pectin, cellulose, starch and carbohydrate group, which is slowly absorbed by the body, not allowing a person to quickly get hungry. However, we must be cautious, because these fruits contain an analogue of sucrose - fructose, so nutritionists advise not to take them for food in the afternoon. It is better to eat bananas and pears for tomorrow or lunch.
5. Yogurt, yogurt and skim milk. If you drink before a meal, then we seem to "deceive" the body, creating the illusion of fullness.