In women, after thirty years of metabolism slows down, so they need a variety of quality food, but in moderation. In order to recharge your batteries in the morning, it is desirable to have breakfast fruits and proteins, for example, apples and eggs. This allows longer be in the form and not feel tired.
For lunch at any age will be useful boiled lean meat, especially beef. And as a side dish of raw or steamed vegetables. Do not get used to fill all salads with mayonnaise and sauces, choose the best option - olive oil. Avoid starchy foods, sweets, semi-finished products. Not less than 2-3 times a week, it is desirable have fatty fish (herring, salmon, salmon, trout, mackerel).
Dinner thirties, forties and fifty women should not be late. Because otherwise you may have problems with digestion. The last meal should be no later than four hours before bedtime, it is desirable that it consisted of a hearty easily digestible foods such as seafood. And just before bedtime can drink a cup of warm tea, juice or yogurt.
The daily diet of women over forty have to be present dairy products (low-fat sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, yogurt). They enrich the body with calcium, which with age more and more necessary for women's health. Coffee promotes leaching mineral from bone. Therefore, at the age of 50 years, it is desirable not to use.
To preserve the beauty of the skin and cleanse the blood vessels at any age recommended daily drink about two liters of water. To enrich the body with antioxidants and vitamins, it is necessary to drink more green tea, have orange and red fruits and vegetables, herbs, nuts and berries. This is especially true after forty years, when increases the risk of cancer.
To set the mood and strengthen forces in women after forty and fifty years can be included in the diet rich in carbohydrates and vitamins products: bananas, cereal, a little honey. It is also sometimes listen to your body, allow yourself to have what you want. To the power of women after thirty, forty and fifty years was not only useful, but also diverse.