How useful strong coffee

How useful strong coffee
 In Russia, the coffee started to use even during the reign of Peter I, who was addicted to this drink, while in the Netherlands, and on arrival brought the custom to submit it to the assemblies. Much later became a supporter of Anna of coffee. To this day, the number of fans of this drink is not reduced. Most people do not represent their morning without magical aroma and amazing taste of freshly brewed coffee. However, the controversy about its dangers or benefits do not stop.  
 The main active substance is the caffeine in coffee, or 1, 3, 7-trimetileksantin. Alkaloid contained in large amount not only coffee, but in case of, cola nuts. Pharmacological properties can be compared to caffeine and theobromine, theophylline. All substances have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and are stimulants.

Strong coffee enhances reflexes, improves mental, physical and motor activity, but excessive doses of caffeine can lead to a complete depletion of nerve cells, the most negative impact on health.

Psychostimulants weaken the effect of narcotic and hypnotic agents excite cardiovascular and respiratory centers. Under the influence of strong coffee enhanced myocardial contractility, dilates blood vessels of the brain, kidneys, heart, that contributes to a better oxygenation of tissues. Blood pressure rises briefly, so those suffering from hypertension welcome coffee is contraindicated. However, those who drink coffee regularly, did not notice the association between beverage and high blood pressure. Accordingly, a sharp jump occurs only in people who have never drink coffee.

Daily intake of strong coffee significantly improves mood, reduces the risk of depression and other neuropsychiatric disorders. Activates the metabolism, lowers cholesterol, is the most positive impact on the ability to maintain a stable weight, have excellent physical shape. Moreover, coffee prevents the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes.

If every day to eat 4-5 cups of coffee reduces the risk of developing cirrhosis. This is especially true for abusers of alcohol. Smokers can reduce the negative effects of tobacco, drinking a few cups of beverage.

Coffee bean contains more than 2,000 substances. After roasting, the grain remains: fructose, sucrose, galactose, organic acids, essential oils, tannins, caffeine. One cup of strong coffee supplies in the body proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, which have the most positive health impact.

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