Learn what the amount of calcium in your body, you can use the analysis by passing blood on the amount of calcium ions. But the lack of calcium can be detected and by observing: it is brittle nails, dull hair, rapidly decaying teeth. A child from a lack of calcium can be broken posture, scoliosis occur.
How could fill the calcium in the body and what foods it is better to use? To feed the body with calcium, you can use vitamin complexes. There are calcium salts, some of them are absorbed better, others - worse. Look up the drug if it is written: calcium citrate, lactate or hydroxyapatite, the substance will be well absorbed. If these salts - gluconate, it would be worse to absorb calcium. Although tablets "calcium gluconate" pretty well absorbed if they drip lemon juice.
Now for the food. Without a doubt, the first place in the presence of calcium dairy products. Useful milk, cottage cheese, dairy products (yogurt, yogurt), sour cream. Try to keep these products have been home - natural, not a store. Sources of calcium are also eggs and cheese. Wherein the cheese is better to buy durum, when calcium is lost in the production of smaller quantities than in soft cheese varieties. Calcium and contain herbs, nuts, sesame seeds. To use gave a long-awaited result, and the body restock calcium such products should be consumed on a daily basis and not on a case by case basis.
To calcium is well absorbed when eating or vitamins do not take them with alcohol or coffee, it is well suited juices, water, tea.
Calcium powder can be prepared and themselves, according to an old recipe. Preparing a powder of the eggshell. Wash shell and grind it into a powder. One-third of a teaspoon of this powder pour a few drops of lemon juice. As a result, you get calcium citrate.
Replenish calcium in your body every day on a regular basis, then your bones will never be "crunch" and bother you with unnecessary pain and discomfort.