How to drink brewed oats

How to drink brewed oats
 Cereal oats has many useful properties. In steamed as it is used for the treatment and prevention of disease, cleanse the body and replenish vitamins and minerals. But depending on the dosage it has different effects, so in order to achieve the desired result should comply with the necessary conditions for its preparation and consumption.
 For the treatment of skin diseases brew grain oats in the ratio of 1 tablespoon raw materials to 1 cup of water. Fill them in a thermos with boiling water, and for 4-5 hours let them brew, and then eat in a strained by ¼ cup 4 times a day. Combine oats with internal use lotions on your skin. And use them for the same broth or steamed oatmeal. They can also be added to the foot baths in the treatment of corns.

Viral hepatitis, gastritis, enterocolitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer brew dry straw of oats in a ratio of 100 g of raw material to 900 ml of water at room temperature. Cover and simmer over a water bath to 15 minutes. After 45 minutes of infusion resulting broth oats, strain through a fine sieve or several layers of cheesecloth and store in the refrigerator. Eat for half a glass of 15 minutes before each meal. Shake before use. Cholecystitis brew oats in a ratio of 400 g per 900 ml of water and take in the same amount.

When nervous and physical exhaustion useful slimy decoction of oatmeal with milk and honey. To make it, pour a glass of oatmeal 1 liter of boiling water and bring it to the fire to a state resembling mucus. The resulting broth, strain, and the remaining flakes mixed with 1 liter of hot milk. After his boiling pour strained broth oats and add 3 tablespoons honey. Eat 1 cup 4 times a day, the course of 1-2 months. Reheat before use. The same tool, but with the addition of goat's milk is used to treat tuberculosis.

In diseases of the joints drink a decoction of herbs oats in a ratio of 1 tablespoon plant on 1 glass of water. Fill it with boiling water and leave for half an hour in a warm place. Eat 3-4 times a day for a few minutes before a meal. Decoction prepared in the same manner, apply compresses on painful joints.

In diseases of the urinary system drink a decoction of oat straw. To make it, pour 2 tablespoons dry raw material 1 liter of boiling water and keep for 10 minutes on low heat. Eat a strained warmed 1 cup 4 times a day, the course of 2-3 weeks.

Tags: oats, corn, broth, straw