Overeating can be single and multiple. Single overeating usually does not entail serious consequences. After a single organism overeating soon enough come to the form.
With multiple overeating everything is more complicated. The fact that multiple overeating leads to overloading of the organism as a whole. Internal organs become hard work, man is hard to move. All this leads to a malfunction of the internal organs, failures in metabolism and, consequently, the appearance of excess weight.
To avoid overeating, you must remember that there is the excessive use of food, especially heavy and greasy, for once. Especially dangerous if it happens at every meal.
In order not to burden your body with extra food during the day should eat little but often. This principle helps to get rid of hunger, but at the same time small enough portions not create an overload of food for the stomach and the other internal organs.
Besides it is necessary to consider the quality of food. If you plan to eat something greasy and heavy for digestion, it is necessary to significantly reduce the dose. If you also have to eat light fruit or vegetables, you can not cut back on the number of severely food. She even with a small overeating recycled quickly and does not leave an unpleasant gravity.
Thus, to avoid overeating, you should watch your diet and do not be tempted to various excesses, if there is not desirable. A tasty delicacy is best left up to the moment when the body is hungry, and there will be time meal.
Do not forget also about the diet. Eating on the clock still does not hurt. And nutritionists only approve modal approach to nutrition.