The fat content in herring ranges from 2 to 33% - depending on where in the ocean, and in what period the fish were caught. As a rule, the higher (polar) latitudes fat content in herring and above. Proteins - from 15 to 19%, and among them are the essential amino acids. In addition, herring rich in many micronutrients: iron, potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, iodine and vitamins A and D. In this way, herring is one of the most useful products for consumption.
In the food consumed not only the "meat" of herring, but also its eggs and milk. Herring roe is also extremely rich in nutrients - vitamins A, E, D, trace elements, organic compounds that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, regulating blood pressure and the formation of new skin cells. If we consider that the herring roe is also very tasty, it is no wonder its popularity! In Japan, for example, recently used a hydrating mask for the face based on the herring spawn.
Roe herring - a male sperm. They have a lot of valuable proteins and fats, and omega-3. Therefore, the use of milk herring for food is very good for the cardiovascular system (can prevent diseases such as heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis). There is also evidence that milk contribute to a sharp increase immunity.
Milk is also very high in calories, so they can be used to recover from a serious illness or strenuous exercise.
With all the undeniable merits of herring, there are people who should not "lean" on it. For example, gastritis with high acidity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and some diseases of the liver and kidneys herring consumption should be minimized. And even better - pre-soak salted fish in milk or strong cold tea.