At the same time under the unbalanced diet that could cause harm to the body, it is understood as a lack or excess of certain elements. For example, the abundance of ascorbic acid provokes the formation of kidney stones and reduces the absorption of iron.
Thus, certain substances contained in foods, react with each other to form a single system. Exclusion of one of the components of the system results in an overall imbalance. As a result, the health suffers.
The above should give food for thought to those who wish to try one of the popular, but do not have a scientific basis diets. Perhaps someone will think and will not take hasty decisions that could harm health.
The human body needs a certain amount of energy, thanks to which the normal functioning. If a low-carbohydrate foods, the energy deficit is compensated by burning protein. However, if the protein is also contained in food is not enough, will suffer the function of tissue regeneration. A decrease in protein intake tend to almost all diets for weight loss. As a result, long sitting on such a diet will end in failure. In general, a significant potential to cause harm to the health increase or decrease consumption rates of just one element.
It is unacceptable not to take into account and the personal characteristics of the individual. Although any popular literature about health shows the average consumption rate required elements, yet these figures highly individual for each organism. Individual and the need for energy - even in people having the same composition and leading similar lives. Since personal norms depend not only on this but on the speed of metabolism.
Type of metabolism depends on characteristics such as genetic inheritance, age, health, and others. Therefore, it is best to choose a diet strictly individually, taking into account not only the balance of the required elements in food, but also the personal characteristics of the body and health.
In recent years become very popular clinical trials, tolerability of a food product by a blood test, as well as the best combination of products and compatibility for a specific person. This technique is not yet fully tested. However, it makes sense to use the data to compile a personal diet or balanced menu.