Benefit to black coffee

Benefit to black coffee
 So far it is not known the origin of coffee, one version has it that the original source is Ethiopia, and the first coffee houses appeared in Mecca. Hence, there was a tradition to meet with business partners, friends, and just spend time with a cup of coffee. Despite the fact that it has been for hundreds of years, but the interest in this drink is not quenched, and there is debate about the harms and benefits of black coffee.

For a long time it was believed that coffee is bad for women and good for men, so women before it was forbidden to drink. But medicine and science develops, and conducted numerous studies. It is known that caffeine - the active substance is coffee, it is also contained in cola nuts and tea leaves, it is possible to receive and synthetically.

Caffeine has a strong stimulating effect on the central nervous system and is used as a stimulant. In addition, it increases physical and mental performance, motor activity, reduces sleepiness and fatigue. Therefore, this drink lovers feel the stimulating effect. Coffee improves blood flow to the brain and activates the short-term memory, which helps to make quick decisions. Thanks tonic properties, it helps combat stress and cope with apathy.

Coffee tends to weaken the effect of narcotic and hypnotic drugs raise blood pressure, strengthen the heart and stomach activity. Last stimulates more intensive secretion of gastric juice, which helps the body assimilate the adopted quality food.

Coffee contains antioxidants. Everyone knows that under the influence of oxygen iron rusts over time, the human body have such an effect of free radicals. Antioxidants neutralize radicals, protecting the healthy cells of the human body.

For many years, conventional wisdom that coffee causes cancer of the colon and pancreas. However, scientists using biochemical studies have refuted these unfounded conclusions and proved that coffee protects against these diseases due to their anticarcinogenic properties, to use it at least three times a day.

In addition, among heavy coffee drinkers fewer cases of diabetes and hypertension. The risk of suicide, according to the research, people consume daily coffee, much lower than those who do not drink coffee. And with the increase in dose risk decreases. The trend does not change, even taking into account factors such as alcohol consumption and smoking. So coffee is still quite useful.

Tags: body, black, benefits, impact