Vitamin E capsules. Application: how to take, the dosage

 Vitamin E is a very powerful antioxidant, it is good fights free radicals, preventing the development of various abnormalities in the body. The active substance of vitamin E - tocopherol, it helps rid the body of toxins and chemicals that prevent the formation of carcinogens. Satiates cells with oxygen, makes the oxidative processes, improves cell nutrition. Also prevents red blood cells from the effects of toxins and improves the transportation of oxygen to the tissues. Tocopherol strengthens blood vessels and heart, as well as exhibits strong anticoagulant properties, prevents blood clots and improves blood circulation.

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Wideapplication of vitamin E in the cosmetic industry due to its strong antioxidant and regenerative properties. Tocopherol, and its synthetic analogs are used to enrich the means to care for skin and hair. Vitamin helps preserve youthful skin, heals, nourishes, moisturizes and nourishes the skin cells with oxygen. In folk medicine, oily solution of vitamin E used in the manufacture of masks for hair, hands and nails.

Along with enriched cosmetics, tocopherol taken to achieve maximum preventive effect in the treatment of skin and mucous membranes. The treating physician should explain to the dosage, how to take, and in what dosage form to useVitamin E capsules inTocopherol administered as a separate vitamin preparation, and as part of the active vitamin complexes. But we must remember that the tocopherol - is a complex fat-soluble chemical element, it is absorbed and accumulate in the fatty tissues of the body and its overabundance can cause allergic reactions and lead to poisoning. In the detailed instructions is a complete description ofhow to take vitamin E capsulesBut if you experience symptoms such as diarrhea, sore epigarstrii, malfunction of the kidneys and liver, the dosage should be reviewed.

Distinguish natural and synthetic tocopherols. NaturalVitamin E contained in the fat and oil substances - in oils of vegetable or animal origin, dairy products, meat and offal, eggs, and embryos in whole grains, cereals, some herbs and nuts. This vitamin is stable to the heat treatment, but not for a long time. Most rich in vitamin E, wheat germ, as well as soybean, corn and sunflower oil.

Synthetic forms adapted to the specific needs of a person are available in different dosage forms. These oil solutions tocopherol intramuscular and oral administration, chewable lozenges andVitamin E capsules. The dosage depends on the age, physiological characteristics, body weight and related diseases. The gelatin capsule dissolves quickly in the stomach and bile acid via almost completely absorbed gastro-intestinal tract. Getting into the lymph, vitamin evenly distributed throughout the body, without being subject to significant changes. Vitamin E prevents oxidation of vitamin A and helps its accumulation in the liver, and also involved in the accumulation of glycogen in the muscles, which provides energy and muscle stimulating activity of the organism.

Dailyapplication of vitamin E capsules prevents the occurrence of tocopherol deficiency in the body, which leads to serious illness. Due to lack of tocopherol is often the deformation and destruction of red blood cells, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues and organs, as well as a pronounced anemia. Degerativnye changes occur in muscle, certain neurological diseases, nerve impulse conduction is reduced, the loss of reproductive capacity.

Use of vitamin E capsules necessary after the disease, occurring against the backdrop of hyperthermia and fever, elevated body's need for tocopherol, with intense physical activity. Tocopherol reduces the permeability and capillary fragility in cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease. Since tocopherol takes part in the processes of tissue metabolism - he was appointed as an additional tool in muscular dystrophy, diseases of the joints and ligaments. And also in the treatment of many eye diseases such as macular degeneration, and sclerotic processes retinal vessels. Application of tocopherol gives a positive trend in the treatment of various skin diseases. When dermatoses, different types of psoriasis, and injuries and burns.

Vitamin E capsules contributes to the normalization of the reproductive function of men and women. It is used in the treatment of climacteric syndrome, menstrual disorders, increased sweating, as well as in the complex treatment of prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia and insufficient work of male sex glands. Vitamin appointed during pregnancy - the entire first trimester, especially when planning a pregnancy, to develop a full egg and to maintain the normal function of the ovaries.

Use of vitamin E capsules should not coincide with the simultaneous use of other means of complex vitamins, which contain vitamins A, D and E, because the dosage should not exceed the maximum daily rate of 15 mg. You also need to be careful while tocopherol use with anticoagulants, iron supplements and vitamin K in large doses. Such a combination of components increases during clotting. Keep in mind that tocopherol has the ability to increase the effects of hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as increasing the risk of heart disease and seizures.

 Tatiana Nikolaeva
Women's magazine JustLady

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