Teeth whitening.

 Beautiful white teeth - a symbol of health and prosperity. And who among us has not dreamed of a dazzling Hollywood smile ?! If nature does not grant you white teeth, or they were in early childhood, and you are not able to indulge in a cup of coffee or a cigarette, do not despair - now it's just a matter of technique.

In the rubric of Health: A History of Contraception

Teeth whitening was invented in ancient times. What did not used to do this: nitric acid, and even file for grinding of the surface layer of enamel. It is known that in ancient Egypt were invented toothpaste from wine vinegar and pumice.

For centuries, dentists have tried a variety of chemical methods and drugs in an attempt to devise an optimal method of teeth whitening. Originally used even quite hazardous materials.
Today whitening has become very popular, because the light color of the teeth is one of the most important indicators of their beauty. A untidiness and dim yellowness on teeth repellent.

The main factor that changes the color of the tooth, is accumulating plaque, which draws in dyes. Many foods have coloring properties. For example, such as tea, coffee, chocolate, blueberries, red wine, soy sauce, berries, dark fruits and fruit sauces, tomatoes and tomato sauce / juice, dark vegetables and citrus fruits / juices, cola, etc. They are able to stain teeth in color from light brown to almost black. Also cause color changes include certain medications, smoking, and genetic diseases.
Inevitably, the color of teeth varies with age, as over time the tooth enamel becomes thinner, and the coloring effect of food and beverages increased.

Overcome adversity and time to help the various methods of teeth whitening. The procedure itself takes quite a bit of time (from 25 minutes to 1 hour) and will allow any color to turn into a dazzling white.
Teeth whitening technology is divided into domestic and professional.

Home method involves the use of dental impressions - mouthguards and whitening gel. At home, the kappa is filled with gel and put on the teeth at night or for a few hours in the afternoon. The course lasts from 3 days to a month and the longer it is, the better whitening effect. However, too strong and durable result is still not count, since the concentration of the active ingredient is too small. But this method is simple and easy to use.
By professional whitening methods include: chemical bleaching, laser bleaching, photobleaching, ultrasound whitening whitening system using hendiblastera «Air-Flow».

Chemical bleaching - the most common method. Using the same material (carbamide peroxide, urea peroxide, hydrogen peroxide, chlorides), and that at home bleaching, but at much greater concentrations. The solution is applied to the teeth, and then have some time (about half an hour) still take place in the dentist's chair. This method whitens teeth hard enough and fast results appear after 1-2 sessions, and the effect of bleaching lasts from 2 to 5 years.

However, if you have a visible surface fillings, dentures, pins, etc., most likely you will be offered other whitening method, as foreign materials react differently to chemical elements and uniform whitening may not work.

Laser whitening more profound impact on the fabric of the tooth without causing harm. Particular chemical composition applied to tooth enamel, and is activated by laser, depending on the mode of operation which immediately lightened enamel several tones. This is the fastest, but also the most expensive method of whitening. An important condition for laser bleaching is the presence of seals, absence of caries and periodontal disease, as well as cracks and scuffs on the gums.

Is carried out by photobleaching effect on whitening composition which is applied again to the teeth, a halogen light. The procedure itself takes 1 5/2 hours. The main advantage of this method is the absence of contraindications for sensitive teeth, teeth cracked and chipped, leaky seals and bare roots. The undoubted advantage is the fact that with proper care whitening effect may persist for life. The minus is too strong bleaching, which is not all.

Ultrasound has whitening gentle on tooth enamel and removes plaque and tartar. And the teeth are treated special pastes, repulsive pigments.

There is also a method of whitening that combines the impact of water and ultrasound - ultrasonic scaler.
For those who have teeth themselves are white and faded with time under the influence of adverse factors, would be the best restoration of natural color using air abrasion system hendiblastera «Air-Flow».
Using this method, the teeth are cleaned with a special mixture of powder with water and compressed air. Quickly and effectively removes bacteria, plaque, interdental deposits.

Before you go to the dentist to carry out whitening procedure, it is important to know that there are a number of contraindications for bleaching: diabetes, neuro-psychiatric disease, cancer, dental caries, periodontal disease, allergic to peroxide compounds.

Bleaching is not recommended for people wearing braces, pregnant and lactating women, children under 16 years.

Also contraindications for teeth whitening (except for photobleaching) are exposed roots, cracked enamel, fillings, requiring replacement, tooth sensitivity.

In general, if white and healthy teeth still your dream in your power to make it a reality. To do this, just need to go through the procedure of bleaching and dazzling white teeth smile will be your calling card.

Author: Olga Winnick

Tags: Ambassador whitening