As it turned out, the sun - not the main cause of skin cancer, and stay on it is not as dangerous as it is imagined by people, especially zealously watching the health. In a recent issue of the popular science journal Nature Genetics published studies that link the dangerous disease to the number of moles on the body. The more, the higher the risk of melanoma.
Direct rays of the sun, or rather their overabundance and sunburn, cause only a small percentage of skin cancer. Scientists believe that the official health promotion should pay attention to people on the condition of skin and recommend those with the number of moles on the body is large enough to pay attention to it. After sunbathing so people are advised to carefully inspect and monitor moles change their size, color and shape.
The sooner such a change is detected, the sooner a doctor can remove a birthmark and prevent the development of melanoma, which is one of the most dangerous forms of cancer. Its danger stems from the fact that it is spreading to other organs of the body through the mole, which at first glance seems perfectly healthy. Dangerous in this regard may be even freckles on light skin endangered sunburn. Melanoma occurs only in 10% of cases of skin cancer, but its cure rate is the lowest.
The team of researchers led by scientists from King's College London, which included researchers from Australia, Canada and the United States came to the conclusion that even if a person has no body freckles and moles, but the danger of the sun's rays in all the same pose. It is well known that they can cause premature aging of the skin and wrinkles. Therefore, follow the principle of using a metered sunbathing and pay more attention to their health, monitor the condition of their skin and protects it, especially if to be a long stay in the sun.