Nettle - burning and useful!

Nettle - burning and useful!
 Who does not remember this burning beauty wastelands and suburbs ... I do not know, as readers, as a child I was often frightened by flogging with nettles. However, threats to the case did not reach, but it was terrible, as much horror! Becoming a little older and watching films about the heroic Soviet soldiers, my sister and I to bring up the willpower and courage, slapping himself nettles hand and long after that itched. The boys, however, were more cruel to me: stripped to plavochek, with terrible cries, they rushed into the most overgrown and comes out red-pupyrchatye. In general, it was fun. However, nettle not only builds character, but also very healthy. Even as pupyreshek they say, relieve rheumatism in adulthood. This and other useful properties of nettle said today female site JustLady.

The use of nettle has always been popular. No better way to treat a variety of diseases affecting women and beauty of hair. Again, far away for her to walk is not necessarily - jumped into the garden and that's in your handsnettle, useful properties which can not be questioned.

Of nettle leaves are prepared tinctures, teas, alcoholic extracts, squeeze the juice out of a dry - prepared powder. The official medicine nettles used and recommended for hemorrhoids, lung and uterine bleeding.

Nettle - burning and useful!

In general, any self-respecting herbalist, painful menstruation, uterine bleeding and inflammation of the appendages recommend, especially nettle infusion.Nettle tincture is very easy:

15 g chopped dried nettle leaves take 1 cup of boiled water, 10 minutes, filter and cooled. Need to take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals with the problems described above. Just this infusion helps with hemorrhoids, clinical, pulmonary and nasal bleeding.

Just tincture is recommended for chronic and indolent disease, as part of the nettle include silicon and iron, as well as many different amino acids that help the immune system to actively fight disease.

Nettle, Easily and naturally copes with many ailments.Broth nettle has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and multivitamin property. His ability to cope with itching, cough and immunodeficiency. It stimulates the regeneration, normalizes metabolism. It is used as a choleretic, diuretic, blood-purifying agent. It is said that he even has analgesic and anticonvulsant effect. Broth also leads to normal tone of the uterus. Women are generally very useful nettle - broth promotes hematopoiesis and cleaning the blood of toxins.

Broth nettle make it even easier - 4 tablespoon nettle thrown into 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes, strain and is used for ailments. Broth nettle treat diabetes, as nettle helps to reduce blood sugar.

Nettle - burning and useful!

Broth nettle milk and honey helps with gastric ulcer and gastritis giperatsidnom. To do this, take 1 cup of milk, boil, add the boiling milk 1 tablespoon of nettle, infuse for 5 minutes, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 3 times a day, a third cup for an hour before a meal.

If you take 2 tablespoons nettle powder and mix in a glass of yogurt, kefir or yogurt - you will get the perfect cholagogue, which is necessary to use 1 time per day. Like This,nettle - A diuretic, it can be recommended with pulmonary edema caused by heart disease or kidney disease.

In nettles lot of vitamin C, A, folic acid and selenium. Therefore, female site JustLady strongly recommends the use of fresh nettles. Salads with nettles the best way to combat vitamin deficiency in the spring, but about green soup is better not to talk - not for nothing are our grandmothers were treated to all households this soup! Only it must be remembered that it is necessary to add to salads scalded nettle - then it will not split and is very tasty.

Fresh nettle juice can be prepared, which copes with purulent wounds, increases metabolism, coping with anemia and helps to recover faster after surgery. Nettles thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water, grind in a blender and squeeze through cheesecloth. By remaining gruel add a little water. Stir again and squeeze. Store the juice in the refrigerator, but no more than 3 days. Nettle juice, by the way, successfully used in the treatment of various skin conditions: acne, boils, inflammations. Applied as a lotion to the affected area and inside a blood purifier.

Nettle hair as a tincture is used for hair loss. In 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon dried nettle leaves, insist hour, filter. Infusion to rub into the scalp 1 times a week for about six months. If the tincture add broth burdock root, the treatment will be effective.

But nettle hascontraindications. Hypercoagulability, predisposition to thrombosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis - this is not a complete list of diseases in which the nettles, you should not apply. Women's Site JustLady recalls that before you start self-treatment is necessary to consult with your doctor, because, despite the fact that, nettle, very accessible, it should be remembered that this medicine. And with medications should be handled carefully.

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: nettle, smacking